Hi all, using a throwaway as this feels a bit anti-social to post!
Basically, I'm aligned with & live via the basic concepts of EA (use your career for good + donate some of your earnings to effective causes), but that's where my interest really kind of ends.
I'm not interested in using my free time to read into EA further, I don't feel motivated to learn more about all the concepts that people use/ discuss, etc (utilitarianism, expected value, etc etc). I really like having non-EA friends and don't get any enjoyment from having philosophical discussions with people.
I really like the core ethos of EA, but when I've gone to in-person meetups (including Prague Fall Season) I've felt like a fraud because I'm not at all versed in the language, and actually have no interest in discussion all the forum talking points. I just want to meet cool people who care about doing good!
Of course a clear rebuttal here would be "ok then dude just talk to people about other stuff", but I've often felt at these events like people are there to discuss this kind of stuff, and to talk about more normal/ "mundane" stuff would make people think I'm wasting their time.
So I guess my question is like - is there anyone else out there who feels this way? Any tips? I'd really like to make friends through the EA community but in the same breath I only want to be involved in a straightforward way (career + key ideas), rather than scouring the forums & LessWrong and hitting all the squares on the EA bingo card. Also, is it kind of in my head that you need to be a hardcore EA who has strong opinions on ethics & philosophy & etc, or is that the general mood?
(I also appreciate that the people who end up reading this will be more "hardcore EA" types who check the forum regularly...)
As a 5 second take, yeah seems like you shouldn't. Or at least take this feeling seriously. If you don't want to do something that's a reasonable sign not to do it. Thanks for your work! Seems like you have a pretty great time. I'm glad to hear it.