I genuinely see diversity is competetive advantage - more opinions, more points of view, broader network.
EA Forum shares audience with Less Wrong and I would like to showcase circumstances that got me banned. I hope there are some lessons here.
Repurposing XKCD: https://xkcd.com/2347/
Systematic issue: gatekeeping and diversity
I think I've figured out something relevant and I really wanted to share my thoughts on the forum in order to facilitate feedback / comments / discussion / critique. Ended up encountering some issues getting the content published and in the process getting my account banned.
Of course I could just move on, ignore, carry on with life, find some other place. But I think that my story illustrates some systematic issue and I genuinely want to raise awareness about gatekeeping and diversity.
Gate 1
Alignment Forum FAQ: https://www.alignmentforum.org/posts/Yp2vYb4zHXEeoTkJc/welcome-and-faq
The LessWrong/Alignment Forum admins monitor activity on both sites, and if someone consistently contributes to Alignment discussions on LessWrong that get promoted to the Alignment Forum, then it’s quite possible full membership will be offered.
Gate 2
New User's Guide to LessWrong: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/LbbrnRvc9QwjJeics/new-user-s-guide-to-lesswrong
Gate 3
1st post - too simple
(cannot link to it: my account banned)
Gate 4
2nd post - too complex
(cannot link to it: my account banned)
Aim for a high standard if you're contributing on the topic AI.
Gate 5
Chat with the moderator and responding to feedback, making the 2nd post simpler, reducing reading time from 10 to 7 minutes
(cannot access conversation history: banned)
Quotable soundbite:
Because it'd take too long to evaluate new posts (...) I have an overall policy of not reading it in enough detail to make the call.
Gate 6
When the chat ended I've sent an email to the team - I think it was polite (screenshot)
Gate 7
When did not receive any response after 3 emails - posted in the open thread - I think it was polite (screenshot)
There are frequently new "all questions welcome" AI Open Threads if that's what you'd like to discuss.
It sounds like a lot of activities but it was once at a time, spread out in time:
- message using widget
- one moderator taking over, chatting via DM
- after going cold: email the team
- after being ignored: comment in the open thread
Freedom of Speech matters - Elon Musk and Twitter are pretty big on it. I think that on EA and LessWrong - there is no default Freedom of Speech - I think it is more like private property. Admins can be (and are) dictators but I think they are doing disservice to humanity: echo chambers, filter bubbles.
Regarding the actual content - I could be totally wrong. I could be delusional. I could be nuts. If any of these statements are true - I would like to know. It would help me navigate the consensual reality.
(nut job knowing they are crazy - can compensate for their behaviour and act accordingly - it is a nut job not knowing they are crazy that is dangerous)
(in other words - you are doing me a favour telling me that I'm nut job - however you need to explain it in a way that I'm able to understand on the level that is available to me)
For those who are curious, here is the link: https://mirror.xyz/0x315f80C7cAaCBE7Fb1c14E65A634db89A33A9637/ETK6RXnmgeNcALabcIE3k3-d-NqOHqEj8dU1_0J6cUg
I'm a human, living on Earth, my incentive is aligned with the survival.
If I didn't care I would not engage in a discussion. But I do care and I'm realistic that certain places (such as EA and LessWrong) attract certain audience. Me posting on personal blog would not be good enough, it would not achieve primary objective which was to gather feedback.
Back to the main point: diversity as competitive advantage.
As a newcomer to the Less Wrong forum surely I was categorised as "diversity".
It makes me wonder how many other users were rejected in a similar manner?
It makes me wonder what is the cost-benefits analysis of diversity, culture, filter bubble, echo chambers...
(I can handle criticism and rejection well, currently playing a bigger game talking about culture)
I didn't read the whole post either, just skimmed it enough it realise that it was confusing for me and that I'd probably wouldn't really get the point you were making without reading it more than once.