From this present moment, a person without any extraordinary superpowers sets off to change the world positively as much as they can. This person changes the world more than anyone else.
What do they do?
Your writing should talk about a person who changes the world more than any other person who is also writing about this prompt. (It’s a competition of sorts)
Challenge yourself to imagine what actions that person takes and to give a realistic but idealistic narrative of the roadmap they take)
How much impact could they have?
How many lives could they affect?
How many lives could they save?
I’m super excited to read the responses.
The reason I did not want you to see this question before you wrote the writing is in the hope to remove the bias from the writing.
The question is: What is stopping you from living that path that you see as most optimal?
(Be honest and serious, I’m looking to help remove the blockage for the stories I resonate with and believe in)
Every time I think about how I can do the most good, I am burdened by questions roughly like
I do not have good answers to these questions, but I would bet on some actions being positively impactful on the net.
For example
W.r.t. the action that is most positively impactful, my intuition is that it would take the form of safeguarding humanity's future or protecting life on Earth.
Some possible actions that might fit this bill:
The problem here is that some of these actions might spawn harm, particularly (2) and (3).