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If this is a critical time with probability of short timelines increasing, money invested via donations should be of higher value now vs historically.
But potential for AGI in the short term might lead folks to worry more about the potential risk to their career plus there's also the desire to invest more now to capture AGI gains, leading to donations not increasing to match their potential value in this moment.
Any sense of if this might be the case? I have only anecdotal observations.
If it is, how can we tackle this?
If this is a critical time with probability of short timelines increasing, money invested via donations should be of higher value now vs historically.
But potential for AGI in the short term might lead folks to worry more about the potential risk to their career plus there's also the desire to invest more now to capture AGI gains, leading to donations not increasing to match their potential value in this moment.
Any sense of if this might be the case? I have only anecdotal observations.
If it is, how can we tackle this?