AI Safety Support (Organisation)

Leo (+4/-4)
Leo (+115/-2)
Leo (+153/-5)
Leo (+5/-5)
Leo (+225)
Pablo (+30/-23)
Pablo (+63)
Pablo (+158/-107)
Linda Linsefors (+197)

As of JuneJuly 2022, AISS has received $200,000 in funding from the Survival and Flourishing Fund,[1] $200,000 from the Future Fund,[2] and $25,000 from Effective Altruism Funds.[3] 

As of June 2022, AISS has received $200,000 in funding from the Survival and Flourishing Fund,[1] $200,000 from the Future Fund,[2] and $25,000 from Effective Altruism Funds.[2]3] 

  1. ^

    Survival and Flourishing Fund (2020) SFF-2021-H1 S-process recommendations announcement, Survival and Flourishing Fund.

  2. ^

    Future Fund (2022) Our grants and investments: AI Safety Support, Future Fund.

  3. ^

    Long-Term Future Fund (2021) July 2021: Long-Term Future Fund grants, Effective Altruism Funds, July.

As of June 2022, AISS has received $200,000 in funding from the Survival and Flourishing Fund.Fund,[1] and $25,000 from Effective Altruism Funds.[2] 

  1. ^

    Survival and Flourishing Fund (2020) SFF-2021-H1 S-process recommendations announcement, Survival and Flourishing Fund.

  2. ^

    Long-Term Future Fund (2021) July 2021: Long-Term Future Fund grants, Effective Altruism Funds, July.

As of June 2022, AISS has received $200.$200,000 in funding from the Survival and Flourishing Fund.[1] 


As of June 2022, AISS has received $200.000 in funding from the Survival and Flourishing Fund.[1] 

  1. ^

    Survival and Flourishing Fund (2020) SFF-2021-H1 S-process recommendations announcement, Survival and Flourishing Fund.

AI Safety Support (AISS) (AISS) is an organization which seeks to reduce focused on reducing existential and catastrophic risk from AI,artificial intelligence by supporting everyone who wantsproviding support to work onthose interested in working in this problem.
https://www.aisafetysupport.orgcause area.

External links

AI Safety Support. Official website.

AI Safety Support (AISS) is an organization which seeks to reduce existential and catastrophic risk from AI, by supporting everyone who wants to work on this problem.