Uni Groups Team

@ Centre for Effective Altruism
226 karmaJoined


This is an account owned by CEA that gathers together posts written by the University Groups Team.


I missed this during draft amnesty - thanks for writing JDLC! 
I'm particularly excited about 'conference + accommodation = retreat'. If you, reader, try it out please let us know how it goes!

The Groups team did a 3 minute brainstorm about this during our weekly meeting! In no particular order:

Community Building

  • What (mass) (media) campaigns can encourage EA growth?
  • Uni with both AIS and EA group coexisting writes how that works
  • Experience of staying with others in your university group at an EAG(x)
  • What is EA CB strategy in light of AI progress
  • Mistakes you made as a university group organiser
  • When to stop investing in community building
    • A post that explores the lag time required for CB investments to pay off, applied both to cause-neutral EA and cause specific AIS


  • Reasons for longer timelines
  • A good post on scope insensitivity that explains what it is (it doesn’t exist)
  • Overview of corporate campaigns - strengths and weaknesses
  • Updated post on ITN we can use in fellowships
  • Exploration on whether AI progress should cause us to value protests more (or in general what tactics should be considered)
  • Aggregation of Will MacAskill comments on EA in the age of AI
  • AIS early career recommendations for non-stem people
  • On being ineffective to be effective

We just wanted to transparently share that CEA’s University Groups Team is not running two of our historical programs over the next few months:

We think both programs are relatively valuable, but are less aligned with our current vision (of providing value through helping EA university group organizers run better groups) than some of our alternatives.

We have made this (difficult!) decision so that we can instead focus on:

This decision does not rule out running UGOR or our internship in the future. In fact, we are exploring whether we should run UGOR over (northern hemisphere) summer break, allowing more groups to better prepare for their academic year. We piloted such a retreat as part of our pilot university programming this summer, and that worked well.

We aim to continue to transparently share updates such as this one! We are also always open to feedback (including anonymously), especially if you have specific suggestions on what things we should deprioritize to create space for UGOR or the summer internship.