I don't know why people keep downvoting my posts. I agree that they could be better, but I don't think my post's karma accurately reflects their worth. I am biased, however.
My name is Wes Reisen. I’m currently figuring out career stuff/life plans. I’m relatively new to the EA (I started interacting with it on July 12, 2023)
Sometimes, I might ask for help with research. Also, if you know any good internship or volunteer roles, or any good job boards, or are hiring, please reach out! (Public résumé: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF2mR33vuE/4-qki-V4l87yNrkkI2oXdA/edit?utm_content=DAF2mR33vuE&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton) (One piece of vital and relevant[1] information about me is somewhat private[2], and is available upon request).
(I'm not currently searching for work)
I have the general goal of doing the most good, I'm currently consequentialist, and assign numerical value to different things, similar to (maybe exactly like, depending on the definition) utilitarianism, although I could be convinced otherwise, since knowing what "doing good" is is a secondary goal to the primary goal of "doing good".
I’m pretty good with numbers(I feel comfortable thinking about (e^(1/0)), so if you have any questions about math, I’m happy to help!
I can also help with work and productivity tips (e.g., to stay awake, do something actively. Pause your all-nighter, play one round of Call Of Duty, and then get back to work. It’ll keep you up and productive all night long.)
I can also provide research assistance, summarize information, check things for errors (Not very well though😅), and more. Feel free to ask if I can help with __, and hopefully, I’ll say yes!
I also have connections with leading antibiotics💊 creation focussed microbioligist Kim Lewis, as well as someone connected to 🇺🇸 congressman David Scott's campaigning (presumably his campaign manager) (I'm not sure for reasons I'd explain if you want to know, but I'd rather not put it here.), as well as a delegate for the 2024 democratic national committee (DNC) 🇺🇸, and I know a guy who knows an aide to the Kamala Harris POTUS 2024 campaign. (although I could totally change my political views if given information that I didn't otherwise have, which is often the case. (e.g., if Trump has a really good foreign policy, and I learn about it, I will change my mind.)) if you'd gain from that, feel free to reach out, and I'll see how I could help with that.
I’m also quite passionate (though 8️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ hours points out that there are more pressing & tractable matters) about ageism/rights of youth, so if you have any questions about that, I can help with that too.
Schedule a meeting with me here:
calendly.com/wesreisen2/30min 📆
Also, this picture should show the order of each of these images, assuming I did things right:
(Here's a link to a Miro board with all of this on it: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVKpNf6pk=/?share_link_id=537769097618 (I turned on "comments" on the Miro board, but I won't get notified when there's a new comment on it, so if you'd like to comment, pls do it here, or notify me if you do it in the Miro.))
I read this, and wrote a BUNCH of notes. They are non-exaustive (I didn't look at everything, and might in the future, especially if people request it.)
For a bit of context, here's what the secondaries are: (I mention them in one of my comments) because the 2 parties are largely only stable because people consider them to be stable, if people considered different parties to be stable, they would be the stable parties. So, if there were an unnoficial election held through a better system (such as approval voting) to decide which 2 parties would be the main parties for that election, AND people considered it to be stable, we would have a fairer system and subvert needing approval from politicians. Now, with enough of these 3rd party candidates in power, they would have an incentive to change the voting system to allow for 3rd parties more permanently.
Also, for my final note on the "growing triangle", I'd like to add this: This also works with more than 3 parties.
I edited the post in accordance with your comment; thanks for commenting on how I can improve! It genuinely helped and pointed out things I didn't know until you mentioned them.
1. Do you think I should do any more editing in accordance with your comment?
2. Do you have any other feedback?
3. Generally, anything else?
Oh, and also, a "red line" keeps being mentioned, one where any given wntity puts its foot down, and one where polarization is too far gone to stop, or too far gone to reverse. I wonder how a president publicly aiming for or getting for a third term would play into this? Maybe looking at how similar entities reacted to Franklin D. Roosevelt running for a 3rd term?