(For governments)
Interested in all ideas at any level of certainty, concreteness and polishedness, focused on any cause area.
(For governments)
Interested in all ideas at any level of certainty, concreteness and polishedness, focused on any cause area.
No strong opinion on re-posting the same question, but would rather previous versions not be deleted to re-post them if they got answers:
Don't have time to write up the full arguments why, but housing and pandemic preparedness would be my top two. Immigration is less tractable but highly valuable. This is from a US perspective.
Globally, I think that promoting women's rights in many developing countries is a potentially high impact activity.
For developed countries, my favorite policy is unemployment benefits contingent on unemployment level. When the economy is heated, benefits are contracted, when turns recessive, they are expanded and lengthened.
It is good for people and for economic stabilization.
Disclaimer: this is very much just me spitballing. And I only know about the U.S. And I ditched the tractability requirement (see below).
Reasonably high confidence that these are high-impact (though I don't claim to be an expert):
These policies are also interesting to think about, though I have lower confidence in their impact:
I ditched the "tractability" requirement here because I'm not sure how to think about it. A lot of great policies already have people working at them but still aren't getting enough attention. Could EA move the needle? Idk, maybe (though frankly, I think our current brand is probably too politically toxic). But then there's also the fact that once any good policy starts getting attention, it triggers political resistance.
Also, I'm all but certain that policies in low-income countries have way more impact than here in the U.S. I just don't know enough to speak to those.
Don't have time to write up the full arguments why, but housing and pandemic preparedness would be my top two. Immigration is less tractable but highly valuable. This is from a US perspective.
Globally, I think that promoting women's rights in many developing countries is a potentially high impact activity.