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Could giving good vegan food to poor people compete with other effective charity?
The idea: A charity develops or purchases nutrition-complete vegan food, ships it to areas of global poverty, and distributes it to the poorest for free.
The positive impact would be: Improved practical knowledge and demand to make nutrition-complete affordable vegan food, improved nutrition and purchasing power for the poor, reduced farm animal use without appeals to values or emotions toward animals (because the incentive is in-built into the wealth transfer).
It might be less effective in pure wealth transfer than, say, GiveDirectly, but the other upsides could make up for that.
I didn't see a charity quite like this listed. (A Well-Fed World advocates an approach like this, but supports a diversity of groups and it's not clear how homogenous and scalable they are.)
Would this have a drawback of disrupting local farming/food economies?