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Should we moderate ourselves to help grow the movement?
I've come across this idea before in the EA community and also thought about it a lot myself.
EA's are known to do some pretty "out there" things to maximize their impact. Many of us give far more than 10%. I know someone who lives in a van and is a "freegan" to maximize the amount of cash they have to give. Personally, I live with my parents and have forgone overseas holidays to leave me extra money to give/save. I know that many people who ask me why think I'm crazy even after hearing my reasons.
What I worry about is that even if we don't advocate things like this people will associate our behavior with effective altruism. Then they may think, 'well if that's what being EA is then count me out".
So I guess I'm asking, should we moderate ourselves while the movement grows? Should we live lives that are as normal as possible so that more people feel they would like to be part of the movement, so that more people feel they could become EA's without sacrificing their current lifestyle?
First of all, effective altruist organizations, ones that explicitly exist because there effective altruism exists as a social movement, make it their shared mission to make people aware that people can be effective altruists, while still being totally normal. Not, like, even relatively normal, or sort of normal, but not requiring you, yes you, to sacrifice anything major you wanted out of life[1].
The Life You Can Save, Giving What We Can, and 80,000 Hours exist to do this. The Centre of Effective Altruism incubated all these organizations, and now they're... (read more)