In June this year, Good Ventures announced that it would stop supporting certain sub-causes, and not expand into new cause areas by default. Neither Good Ventures nor Open Philanthropy included a public list of the sub-causes or organisations they were no longer supporting.
Both Good Ventures, and Alexander Berger, on behalf of Open Philanthropy, expressed (as they have before) that they would like to see more diversity of funding across the cause areas that they support.
From the Good Ventures blog: “Our hope is that other donors will be in a position to take on some of these opportunities and that, over the longer term, this will lead to healthier and more resilient ecosystems with more diversified bases of funding.”
It’s been a few months now. Wild Animal Initiative have shared the effect that the funding shift had on them, and later announced that their funding gap was being filled by The Navigation Fund, through 2026. But I haven't heard from many other organisations.
Knowledge of the other areas where funding has been cut, and alternative funders who have stepped in, is currently diffused through the community. I think it would be valuable to share this information more widely. This could help donors find out about important funding gaps, and organisations find out about possible alternative funders.
If you represent an organisation, and you are able to share your story, please do so in the answers below. Thank you!
PS— in my opinion the EA movement wouldn’t be as vibrant and capable as it is today without Good Ventures and Open Philanthropy. I doubt people would take it as such, but I’d like to clarify that I’m not asking this question as a rhetorical dig at Good Ventures. Getting more information here would be useful, regardless of your opinions on Good Ventures’ decision to shift funding from certain sub-causes.
OP funded several scientists working on insect sentience and welfare. Arthropoda Foundation was formed to centralize and assist in the funding situation for those scientists. However, we've not yet replaced all the funding from GVF. For more on our funding priorities, see our post for Marginal Funding Week.