I would be interested in hearing EAs perspective on whether/to what extent they read the news and whether they think it's beneficial. I don't read the news much and mostly endorse this position but I'm curious to hear other perspectives and would like a low-cost way of ensuring that I receive important actionable information about the world.
https://www.econlib.org/archives/2011/03/the_case_agains_6.html by Bryan Caplan is relevant. Caplan is very much against spending time reading the news.
I don't think Bryan Caplan self-identifies as EA, but he is favorably inclined to EA (see https://www.econlib.org/the-good-group/ for instance) and has appeared on some EA-related podcasts as well as debated Peter Singer (see https://betonit.substack.com/p/im-debating-peter-singer for more).