The link above is to an essay that argues that:
If academic knowledge were simpler to understand and use, more people would understand more, misleading misunderstandings should be less prevalent, the education industry would be cheaper and more efficient, and humanity would make faster and better progress. I am convinced this is an idea with enormous potential, but it does not seem to be on anyone's agenda, and there are very strong vested interests opposing it.....
This is very relevant to the effective altruism community for three interlinked reasons. Whatever our aims - helping people to become happier, healthier, wiser or whatever - simplifying knowledge will make progress faster, it will make conclusions and their rationale clearer, and it will save an awful lot time.
I am having trouble interpreting statements like "it does not seem to be on anyone's agenda" and "not something that anyone has looked at systematically". Can you say more about where you have looked and what you have rejected? (From the title of the post I expected to see mentions of Arbital, Distill, research debt, the many explanatory pieces published on LessWrong and the EA Forum, work by Michael Nielsen, and Metacademy, to name some projects that I have seen mentioned and discussed by effective altruists.)
I eventually got round to checking out some of these links. Interesting but nothing very relevant. Some links were dead in the sense that I got no response when I posted a question; some were narrowly focussed on maths and programming. And some were on the theme of communicating knowledge more effectively, whereas my concern is with simplifying the knowledge itself.