Epistemic status: much ado about nothing.
tl;dr: I look at people saying “I’d bet” on the EA Forum. I find that they mostly mean this metaphorically. I suggest reserving the word “bet” for actual bets, offer to act as a judge for the next 10 bets that people ask me to judge, and mention that I’ll be keeping an eye on people who offer bets on the EA Forum to consider taking them. Usage of the construction “I’d bet” is a strong signal of belief only if it is occasionally tested, and I suggest we make it so.
The issue with non-metaphorical 'Id bet' is that a policy I endorse is 'only make bets/trades if you are willing to bet with substantial size'. I honestly have to bet like 20K to follow this rule. Ive very rarely seen bets that big in/adjacent-to the EA community. Though I remember hearing about someone betting 500K on scott's blog.
I think beating the uhhh 'market' is a lot easier than the EMH friends think. But its not exactly easy being a +EV 'gambler'/speculative-investor. Your counterparites usually aren't total idiots*. You are better off passing unless you think a bet is both really good and you can get in at least decent money. Its good policy to restrict your attention to only cases which plausibly fulfill both conditions**.
Ad hoc bets also have a very serious adverse selection problem. And in some cases betting people in private when they are being morons makes me feel preda... (read more)