What do your views imply about the relative cost-effectiveness of various causes?
With Giving Tuesday coming up, it's worth tackling this question. Rethink Priorities’ new cross-cause cost-effectiveness model (CCM) might be able to help.
RP’s Worldview Investigations Team created the CCM as a part of its project on Causes and uncertainty: Rethinking value in expectation.
About the virtual event
On November 28, the Worldview Investigations Team will lead a discussion that will encompass:
- An explanation of why they created the CCM (you can also watch this video in the meantime)
- A virtual walkthrough of the model itself (see video)
- A practical workshop on how you can use the tool
- A question-and-answer session
Attending from the Worldview Investigation Team will be Philosophy Researcher Derek Shiller and Senior Research Manager Bob Fischer.
Come explore how different assumptions interact, and potentially make some surprising discoveries!
The workshop will be held on November 28 at 9 am PT / noon ET / 5 pm BT / 6 pm CET.
Please register to receive the Zoom link to join the event. If you are unable to attend but would like a recording of the discussion, feel free to reach out to henri@rethinkpriorities.org.
Rethink Priorities (RP) is a think-and-do tank that addresses global priorities by researching solutions and strategies, mobilizing resources, and empowering our team and others.
Rachel Norman and Henri Thunberg wrote this post.
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