I have recently been brainstorming potential ways for EA groups to use funding, and was encouraged by Jonas Vollmer (from EA Funds) to share this list on the forum.
Caveat 1: The encouragement does not mean groups/individuals who apply for funding for the things mentioned below are guaranteed funding, or that all of the ideas here are good. Caveat 2: I've mostly been thinking about these in the context of funding for uni groups and students. I've mostly focused on this since students are often cash-strapped and as a result, (understandably) spend other costly resources to save money, and don't use money to improve their expected impact/lives in general. Given the glut of EA funding (more specifically for longtermist and meta work), this should change!
I'd be curious to hear others' recommendations, and especially things that have been a great use of funding as well!
Examples of things that could be funded:
- Paid part/full-time EA work (and encouraging taking time off when appropriate)
- Doing EA work, especially significant amounts can: 1) normalize the idea of doing EA work full-time, 2) help the people doing the work skill up and become much more knowledgeable about EA ideas, and 3) help people realize full-time EA work can be rewarding and financially feasible. All of the above seem quite valuable
- Specifically I’m interested in more Internships for EA students - both general EA/high-impact internships and meta-EA/uni group internships
- Funding to skill-up/increase the expected impact of highly engaged group members:
- Technology (that improve the productivity/wellbeing/time-usage of EA groups/individual members) - funding link here
- Examples of paid technology I and others have found very useful as a group organizer include Calendly, Airtable Pro, Yet Another Mail Merge, Asana, Typeform, and krisp.ai.
- Education - books (print, audio, ebooks) - funding link here, online courses, tutoring, etc.
- Increasing productivity - productivity/life coaching, books/resources
- Improving mental health - therapy, medication, other resources
- Technology (that improve the productivity/wellbeing/time-usage of EA groups/individual members) - funding link here
- Paying organizers/facilitators/designers/others doing work for your EA group
- Teaching assistants, and other support for EA relevant courses
- Marketing/advertising - materials costs (e.g. banners, flyers, printing), designer costs, advertising costs (e.g. FB ads)
- Event funding
- Retreats
- Speaker travel + honoraria + accommodations
- Workshops
- Food/Snacks/Drinks for group
- EAG(x)/Student Summit Funding (flights, conference costs, housing, etc)
- Travel
- E.g. fund people to go meet a bunch of cool professional EAs (e.g. Uber/fly to Berkeley/Oxford and have lots of meetings with cool EAs for the day/weekend, maybe a social at the end)
- Pay people to learn/read/do things and make retrospectives (ideally that are helpful for others, like summaries/blogposts/handover docs/checklists/guides)
- Hiring assistants if you have too much work to do/too many things that you'd want to do if you had extra time. If you're interested in potentially hiring/trialing a personal assistant, and especially one with an EA background, I'd recommend checking out campuspa.com.
- (Lightly edited comment from Neel Nanda that I strongly endorse) Generally converting money to time, productivity, and other valuable resources - affording healthy ready meals, external cleaning, a fast and functional laptop and phone, not needing to stress about meeting rent, being able to get Ubers rather than walking/public transit, exercise equipment at home, etc.
It's often awkward to ask for money for yourself (especially for non-essential costs), but I want anyone doing good community building (and other low-paying high impact work more broadly) not to need to worry about being able to make good money-to-other resource tradeoffs! Or if anyone is doing a part time job to support themselves while doing community building, I'd LOVE for them to be paid for the community building instead, and be able to focus on that more. I think people in EA are often averse to things like this, because that money could be donated instead. But I think this often leads to bad norms around this stuff - if you're doing high impact work, your time is valuable, and saving time means you can do more good work!
Helpful links (other than the ones hyperlinked above):
- Group Support Funding
- EA Funds (Click the specific funds to apply for funding, applications are rolling)
- Get funding for your student group to buy productivity software
Again, I’d love to hear others’ suggestions for what things might be good to request funding for, and what things have been really valuable to you.
James Aung + Emma Abele funded by EAIF