Inspired by mike_mclaren's comment: "Thanks for posting this. Posts introducing books or other bodies of work not explicitly about EA or an EA cause area, but that introduce or explain relevant ideas from disparate disciplines, seem valuable and I would like to see more."
What books or other bodies of work, not explicitly about EA or an EA cause area, might be interesting or beneficial to EAs?
Obvious point: While EAs are special in some important ways, there are many more ways in which EAs aren't that special. So if you want to be effective at what you do, then often generally good advice/resources for your field would be helpful.
Eg, if you want to be good at accounting, the best books on accounting continue to be useful as an "EA accountant", if you want to be good at entrepreneurship/programming/social skills/research, the generally useful resources are still good for those things.
Books I found helpful:
The Productivity Project
Code Complete
Designing Data-Intensive Applications
Anathem (fiction)
Books that have the potential to be helpful, but I did not personally find dramatically helpful:
Thinking, Fast and Slow
Deep Work
The Signal and the Noise
Crucial Conversations
The Art of Learning [2]
Facebook post that has a longer list (though the framing's slightly different. "potentially lifechanging" rather than useful):