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The EAARC just collected our first set of Australian data (n=1000) for an open science project. We aim to help policymakers with decision making about how to allocate resources to tackle Covid-19.

We doing something quite different from other ongoing surveys. Most of these are about country level comparisons and not about understanding behavioural drivers. For example, we can report things by location and demographic, but also why people are not doing the behaviours, e.g.,

  • 75% of males between 30 and 40 are social distancing but only 50% of males between 20-30.
  • At only 55% adherence, the inner west region reports the lowest amount of social distancing. The main capability barriers are commuting and desire to see friends.
  • 97% of those surveyed are always washing their hands, suggesting that this need no longer be a key communication target.
  • Maroubra shows the lowest levels of life satisfaction and the highest levels of anxiety
  • Compared to the previous week, emotional concern and risk perception have increased significantly, the population thinks more about Corona and searches for information more often.
  • Chronically ill people have a higher risk perception and need special support to protect themselves effectively.
  • The four biggest concerns are health system overload, small business filing for bankruptcy, recession and society becoming more selfish. Measures and information by the government can create security here; Reports of projects based on solidarity may encourage imitation and can reduce social fears.

The list of the 40 or so people currently involved is here.

If anyone would like to know more, take the survey, or help, then please read the following and check the links (copied and pasted to save time - hope that is ok - I am near exhaustion :P!):

Invitation letter

Dear X,

I am part of an open science research collaboration creating an international and continuously-updated dataset to help government and public health officials make better decisions to tackle Covid-19.

Existing COVID-19 related surveys are less optimised for providing immediate actionable insights to policy makers, such as the differences in adherence to key protective behaviours, and the barriers preventing people from performing these behaviours, and how these differ by postcode or demographic. Such data is therefore critical for efficient resource allocation but not currently available.

Building on the COSMO project, a WHO/Europe initiative - we will conduct a “living survey” -- with both repeated cross-sectional and longitudinal sampling -- running throughout the pandemic, to track relevant protective behaviours, their variations by demographic and location, and their determinants.

After each wave of data collection, we will generate and disseminate an updated report about the prevalence of protective behaviours, their most important drivers or barriers, and a break-down by demographics. As we collect more waves, we will be able to visualise trends over time.

We will also test the effectiveness of different interventions at encouraging relevant behaviours. Here are some examples of the types of outputs that we will be able to produce.

We have just started collecting the first wave of data.

Please consider joining us in collaboration. You can contribute by:

  • Helping to disseminate the survey via social networks or panel data.
  • Reaching and helping policy makers in your country with the data we collect
  • Helping to modify our report template to provide useful and interesting information to policy makers.
  • Developing reports and doing analysis for policy makers
  • Providing us with feedback based on your discussion data collection
  • Helping with write up and dissemination when we seek to publish this work

If you contribute to this project in any significant way then you will be recognised on all outputs and be an author on any subsequent paper. The bar for recognition will be relatively low (perhaps ~5 hours of work).

The data we collect and share will not only be invaluable to current policy and decision making but will also provide insights that help to prevent suffering and death.

You can take the survey here.

You can join the collaboration here.

Best wishes,



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Big updates

  • We finished collecting the first wave of data.
  • We just had our first media coverage. Please have a read!
  • We now have over 100 people involved in the collaboration!

What we are spending most of our time on

  • Seeking funding for the next waves of data collection and further work (we are still basically doing as volunteer work in addition to our paid work time)
    • Both for AU data and overseas data, hopefully
  • Follow up interviews, discussions and media related work.
  • Finishing reports to share with local and AU policy makers. We have a few tiny fixes to do tomorrow then they should be good to go.
  • Exploring how to collaborate with the two other major ongoing surveys (see here for a comparison across projects). We had one meeting with the Australian lead of iCare and are arranging a second.
  • Collecting ideas for changes to make for wave 2 of data collection.

If you are interested in helping then please join here.

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