Keeping in mind that the U.S. government has access to over four trillion dollars, I believe EA would do more good and have access to more funds if it ran political candidates for office as a political party would do. If you come to the conclusion that Effective Altruism is about doing the most good, then it follows that using government can allow the movement to tap into taxpayer dollars and allocate them towards altruistic causes such as AI safety research, (the US government is arguably the biggest grantmaker), pandemic protection, and Conventions such as the Chemical Weapons Convention. And keeping in mind that the biggest authority in the world, the UN, takes action based on its member states, (the U.S. being one of the founding members and one of the members that has funded the UN the most). If you have accepted these premises, (that funding must go to future-oriented causes, that the U.S. has access to four trillion dollars, and that political parties run candidates for office), then you must accept that EA and its members would be better off as part of a Altruistic Political Internationale.
Why was this post so heavily downvoted?
I didn't downvote it, but the premises don't imply the conclusion.
This is because:
(a) it doesn't consider the potential downsides of running for office
(b) there are ways to influence government spending other than directly running for office. Running for office is one option, but there are other options that could be more successful.