Cross-posting on LessWrong
I think it could be useful if folks had a relatively low bar for sharing Anki decks they make, especially if they're for an EA/rationalist relevant book, an 80,000 Hours podcast episode, or a good or popular textbook (especially, if it's listed here!). I would love for the comments of this post to become an ever expanding list of such decks.
Perhaps you could state:
- What book/podcast/etc. the deck is on
- I'd encourage you to have an Anki folder for the book/podcast/etc. but then have the decks themselves broken down by chapter/episode/article/etc.
- Link to deck (how to share Anki decks)
- Will you update the deck based on people's corrections?
- In your view, how comprehensive is it?
- In you view, what is it's quality?
- How much experience did you have making decks when you made the one you're sharing? (In years, books, or some other relevant metric you prefer.)
- Are you okay with others reviewing your deck, to help others?
Northeastern USA Wild Plant Identification
Corrections welcome: Yes, please correct my deck!
Comprehensiveness: I think I have 90% of the non-rare forbs. It will vary as it is across a large region. On the plus side it applies somewhat outside the intended region as well...
Quality: High for Anki! High for its intended personal use: identifying based on plants as encountered in the wild, e.g. without flowers. Medium for general use (cards definitely could use duplicate photos).
Plants are better learned opportunistically in the field with apps like Seek, but if you want a crash course in Anki - have at it.
Experience: First real deck, and I didn't realize you could have multiple answers. I'm sure there are more features I missed.
Reviews: Please review my deck!