I suppose this is familiar: you have some defined tasks for the week, they are inherently interesting (and reasonably impactful!), you have the right level of competence to achieve them (although these tasks are kind of learning-by-doing, since it's a start-up kind of task), you have a good working environment (silence and food, for me).
And yet you feel that slump, you have opened the document and you have booked your Focusmate, and it should go into this deep flaw state. But it doesn't. You feel bland, neutral, and have nothing to report to your Focusmate partner because you haven't been able to write a damn word. But it's not a permanent thing--it's a 'it's been a few day' thing. Any resource? Thanks!
I have a couple of strategies and maybe you already employ some of them. Before I list them, I think it is worthwhile to get some objective assessment of your productivity given the perhaps not too infrequent slumps in productivity. I thought I would be much less productive than the average EA being a hopefully ~equal parent with much less time to work and was surprised people thought I was able to do a lot in a short amount of time! So I do not fret so much about productivity - that in and by itself might cause productivity loss.
Here are what I think are my main strategies: