All of sapphire's Comments + Replies

There are a lot of possible answers to where thoughts come from and which thoughts are useful. One charitable thought is some Elite EAs tried to do things which were all of: hard, extremely costly if you fuck them up, they weren't able to achieve given the difficulty. I have definitely updated a lot toward trying things that are very crazy but at least obviously only hurt me (or people who follow my example, but those people made their own choice). Fail gracefullly. If you dont know how competent you are make sure not to mess things up for other people. There is a lot of 'theater' around this but most people don't internalize what it really means.

Answer by sapphireApr 12, 202417

The people who initially set up Givewell, did the research and conivnced Dustin to donate his money did a truly amazing jop.  AFAICT the people who currently run Givewell are doing a good job. A large fraction of the good EA has done, in total, is largely do to their work.

But I don't think its a good idea to frame things as their a bunch of elite EAs and the quality of their work is superb. The EA leadership has fucked up a bunch of stuff. Many 'elite EAs' were not part of the parts of EA that went well. Many were involved in the parts of Ea that went... (read more)

I agree with some of this comment and disagree with other parts: "people who initially set up Givewell, did the research and conivnced Dustin to donate his money did a truly amazing jop" AFAIK Dustin would have donated a roughly similar amount anyway, at least after Gates levels of cost-effectiveness, so I don't think EA gets any credit for that (unless you include Dustin in EA, which you don't seem to do) "The EA leadership has fucked up a bunch of stuff. Many 'elite EAs' were not part of the parts of EA that went well." I agree, but I think we're probably thinking of different parts of EA "'Think for yourself about how to make the world better and then do it (assuming its not insane)' is probably both going to be better for you and better for the world" I agree with this, but I would be careful about where your thoughts are coming from

I don't think it makes any sense to punish people for past political or moral views they have sincerely recanted. There is some sense in which it shows bad judgement but ideology is a different domain from most. I am honestly quite invested in something like 'moral progress'. Its a bit of a naive position to have to defend philosophically but I think most altruists are too. At least if they are being honest with themselves. Lots of people are empirically quite racist. Very few people grew up with what I would consider to be great values. If someone sincere... (read more)

Not to state the obvious but the 'criticism of EA' posts didn't pose a real risk to the power structure. It is uhhhhh quite common for 'criticism' to be a lot more encouraged/tolerated when it isnt threatening.

I mostly agree with this, and upvoted strongly, but I don't think the scare quotes around "criticism" is warranted. Improving ideas and projects through constructive criticism is not the same thing as speaking truth to power, but it is still good and useful, it's just a different good and useful thing. 

I think this is entirely legitimate criticism. It's not at all clear to me that the net impact of Effective Altruism, from end to end, has even been positive. And if it has been negative, it has been negative BECAUSE of the impact the movement has had on AI timelines.  This should prompt FAR more reflection than I have seen within the community. People should be racking their brains for what went wrong and crying mea culpa. And working for OpenAI/Anthropic/etc/etc should not be seen as "effective".  (Well, maybe now  it's okay. Cat's out of the bag. But certainly being an AI capabilities researcher in 2020 did a lot of harm.) As far as I can tell, the "Don't Build the Torment Nexus" community went ahead and built the Torment Nexus because it was both intellectually interesting and a path for individuals to acquire more power. Oops.  And to be clear, this pales in comparison - in my mind at least - to any harms done from the FTX debacle or the sexual abuse scandals. And that is not in any way a trivialization of either of those harms, both of which were also pretty severe. "Accelerate AI timelines" is just that bad. 
Lorenzo Buonanno
We have a higher bar for taking moderation action against criticism, but considering that sapphire was warned two days ago we have decided to ban sapphire for one month for breaking forum norms multiple times.

Im not trying to get dignity points. Im just trying to have a positive impact. At this point if AI is hard to align we all die (or worse!). I spent years trying to avoid contributing to the problem and helping when I could. But at this point its better to just hope alignment isn't that hard (lost cause timelines) and try to steer the trajectory positively.

Tamsin Leake
"dignity points" means "having a positive impact". if alignment is hard we need my plan. and it's still very likely alignment is hard. and "alignment is hard" is a logical fact not indexical location, we don't get to save "those timelines".

Ime you can induce much more torture than a tattoo relatively safely. Though all the best 'safe' forms of torture do cause short term damage to the skin. 

Not sure why this is being so heavily down-voted. I believe it's accurate and contributes, especially re: my comments where a safe and non-permanent way of causing severe pain would be needed.

I mean that 'at what income do GWWC pledgers actually start donating 10%+'. Or more precisely 'consider the set of GWWC pledge takers who make at least X per year, for what value X does is the mean donation at least X/10'. The value of X you get is around one million per year. Donations are of course even lower for people who didn't take the pledge! Giving 10% when you make one million PER YEAR is not a very big ask. You will notice EAs making large, but not absurd salaries, like 100-200K give around 5%. Some EAs are extremely altruistic, but the average EA isn't that altruistic imo. 

Jeff Kaufman
Looking at the chart henrith posted, it looks to me like the GWWC=yes line crosses 10% just below $300k/y, which is still high but well below $1M/y. Additionally, eyeballing the points on the chart, it looks to me like there's an issue with the way the fit works, where people earning less donating less makes it look like people who earn more also donate less? It looks like the chart came from Rethink Priorities EA Survey 2020 Series: Donation Data. Maybe the data is public and I can check this...

I agree with the thrust of the argument but I think its a little too pessimistic. A lot of EAs aren't especially altruistic people. Tons of EAs got involved because of Xrisk. And it requires very little altruism to care about whether you and everyone you know will die. You can look at the data on EA donations and notice they aren't that high. EAs dont donate 10% until they have a pre-tax income of around one million dollars per year!

Henri Thunberg
Emm sorry, what? Out of 8,000 GWWC pledgers, who have at least pledged to give 10%, very few earn $1M?
1yModerator Comment39

Hi folks, I’m coming in as a mod. We're doing three things with this thread: we're issuing two warnings and encrypting one person's name in rot13. 

Discussions of abuse and sexual misconduct tend to be difficult and emotionally intense, and can easily create more confusion and hurt than clarity and improvement. They are also vitally important for communities — we really need clarity and improvement! 

So we really want to keep these conversations productive and will be trying our best.


We’re issuing a warning to @sapphire  for this&... (read more)

Ivy Mazzola
[This comment has been edited cuz it was long and rambly trying to be gentle and nuanced before, but now idk, maybe it just sounded more aggressive before because it was longer idk] I'm sighing at your response of digging your heels in. I am glad [Qhapna] chimed in for himself. But I still think someone should drill in is just how much games of telephone can go wrong. It honestly sounds like you might do all this again in future.  I get the desire to post names. I am all about 100% transparency, particularly when done in great detail as a primary document (it looks like your document missed a lot of detail but you can always edit it to be more honest if you think it still matters. That's your right.). But discretion and being careful about where and how we say things are also important because of the very real risks that people get not-true stories out of the vague-things-we-think-sound-true that all of us people (myself included) can be prone to say if we don't catch ourselves. This is an outcome you should care about if you care about getting the truth out there.  Sooo, I had gone to your Twitter yesterday to check that there weren't real substantiated claims of abuse made against [Qhapna]. I thought to myself "maybe she knows something I don't" (I take abuse claims seriously, so checked at least one of your social medias before defending him out of the blue). Anyway, nothing about [Qhapna]. "All cool", I thought. But yeah scrolling down a bit, I believe you participated in a game of telephone just a couple days before. I was very much hoping you would be reasonable and either apologize or stay silent, because people make mistakes and I am not trying to shame you. But since you dug your heels in that naming DS on such a delicate thread was actually the right thing to do (potential misinformation be damned, I guess?), I will share this screenshot becasue you really ought to take seriously the suggestion that you should be more careful: [edit: I deleted the scre

sapphire leaves out that the bits they quote in their document look like this now, and have since just a few days after posting:


What used to stand in this place was an imagined apology, generated by [my model of Brent] plus [my sense of what could be the *least* bad state of affairs that's consistent with reality].

I took that least-bad-of-all-possible-explanations, and wrote a statement out of it, specifically so that the discussion would not anchor on the most-bad-of-all-possible-explanations, the way it sometimes does, to the detriment of our moral

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No one has a right to be a leader. If leaders mismanaged abuse situations they should be removed from positions of leadership. The point of leadership is supposed to be service. 

Okay I expect that is the default consensus, and is my default general desire too from a point of ignorance about any given case. I was just surprised that actors such as that weren't listed in this writeup.

I would also like to say though, that depending how many cases you take, a case will be handled in a way that you could call mismanagement eventually. Extreme mismanagement is one thing and generally having poor policies, but slight mismanagement now and again is a bug of the world. I don't expect 1000/1000 cases to be handled perfectly. Handling sexual... (read more)


It's worth knowing that sapphire has never interacted with me in person to my knowledge, and also that I blocked sapphire on social media a while back (while they were using a different name) out of self-protectiveness. The accusation is pretty DARVO.


[Edit: I apologize for the rude and aggressive tone of some of this comment. In case it is of use to others, I have written more here on what I am doing to make sure I don't cause a disruption or potentially hurt someone's feelings again. Contributing to a healthy forum environment is important to me: ]

Responding in case journalists stop by. I do not think [Qhapna] is abusive, and I don't think those claims would bear out if you investigated about his treatment today. I can easily state that and verify that as someone who follows him... (read more)

Lauren Maria
I agree with sharing names publicly. I think this practise will hopefully make it less likely that others will engage in abusive behaviour out of fear of having their reputation damaged. If this major figure is within EA, can you share the name here? I don't know your twitter or facebook so I'm not sure who it is you are referring to. 

In my experience anonymous accounts work fine? Whats important is having the information in public. Whether the account is anonymous or not isn't very predictive of whether effective change occurs. For example Brent was defended by CFAR, but got kicked out once anonymous accounts were posted publicly.

Sarah Levin
I actually do know the real names of the people who wrote about Brent. It’s one of those “community insiders know who they were but it’s hard to tell from the outside” situations, like the one I described with pre-doxxing Scott Alexander. If the authors had been anonymous for real then I don’t think it would’ve worked anywhere near as well. This approach avoids most of the downsides of actually-unknown-and-unaccountable burner accounts and I do not object to it.

Why did Google invest three hundred million dollars? Google is a for profit company.

Anthropic is also a for-profit company, so why wouldn't Google invest?

Or maybe what you're getting at is: What's Anthropic's plan for becoming profitable?

If you cannot tell Duncan Sabien is an abusive person from reading his facebook posts you should probably avoid weighing in on community safety. He makes his toxicity and aggression extremely obvious. Lots of people have gotten hurt.

(Of course there is other evidence, like the fact he constantly defends bad behavior by others. He was basically the last person publicly defending Brent. But he continues to be conisdered a community leader with good judgment)

I think negative update since lots of the people with bad judgment remained in positions of power. This remains true even if some people were forced out. AFAIK Mike Valentine was forced out of CFAR for his connections to Brent, in particular greenlighting Brent meeting with a very young person alone. Though I dont have proof of this specific incident. Unsurprisingly, post-brent Anna Salomon defended included Mike Vassar. 

With the exception of Brent, who is fully ostracized afaik, I think you seriously understate how much support these abusers still have. My model is sadly that a decent number of important rationalists and EAs just dont care that much about the sort of behavior in the article. CFAR investigated Brent and stood by him until there was public outcry! I will repost what Anna Salomon wrote a year ago, long after his misdeeds were well known. Lots of people have been updating TOWARD Vassar:

I hereby apologize for the role I played in X's ostracism from the communi

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CFAR investigated Brent and stood by him until there was public outcry! 

This says very bad things about the leadership of CFAR, and probably other CFAR staff (to the extent that they either agreed with leadership or failed to push back hard enough, though the latter can be hard to do).

It seems to say good things about the public that did the outcry, which at the time felt to me like "almost everyone outside of CFAR". Everyone* yelled at a venerable and respected org until they stopped doing bad stuff. Is this a negative update against EA/rationality, ... (read more)

I think beating the uhhh 'market' is a lot easier than the EMH friends think. But its not exactly easy being a +EV 'gambler'/speculative-investor. Your counterparites usually aren't total idiots*. You are better off passing unless you think a bet is both really good and you can get in at least decent money. Its good policy to restrict your attention to only cases which plausibly fulfill both conditions**.

Ad hoc bets also have a very serious adverse selection problem. And in some cases betting people in private when they are being morons makes me feel preda... (read more)

Why follow that policy, rather than "only make trades if their expected value is greater than the value of what you would otherwise have used your time with?"
We are strongly against racism. It's just that Nick Bostrom is not racist (even though I find that his comment 26 years ago was extremely cringe and his apology wasn't done particularly well.) Perhaps you have some insight about what was meant by "the views this particular academic expressed in his communications"? The criticisms of Bostrom I've seen have consistently declined to say what "views" they are referring to. One exception to this is that I heard one person say that almost everyone thinks it is racist to say that a racial IQ gap exists. To anyone who thinks this, I suggest searching for the word "gap" in this Wikipedia article. And by the way, the main thread for discussing the apology is here.

I take Iron, Omega3, vitamin B12, vitamin D. My blood tests always look good. Creatine seems like a good idea but I don't know a good vegan source. 

Stephen Clare
I think most supplemental creatine is vegan? From what I can tell it's lab-synthesized from chemicals. Folks should obviously double-check that for themselves and their specific supplements, though.

Effective altruism's meta-strategy is about friendliness to (tech) power. All our funding comes from tech billionaires. We recruit at elite colleges. We strongly prioritize good relations with AI labs and the associated big tech companies. EA just isn't going to be genuinely critical or antagonistic toward the powerful groups we depend on for support and status. Not how EA works.

I totally feel this isn't the only choice to do things. There are massive crowdfunding campaigns that work. I think that an entity that is not opposing itself to the power in any way has its own limitations, serious limitations. Here's an example from Russia where some charities collect money, but HAVE to say they're pro-government. In many cases those were criticised, and I think justly, that they created more troubles than the effects of their charity. For example, some used TV ads to gather money for cancer treatment for children. However, the real problem is: Putin used all the taxes and gas profits on his wars and "internet research" operations, as well as personal luxury items. So these charities, some argue, were used as a "front" by the government to convince people that "medicine is OK, no need to worry" Those charities only helped like, the few, and some argue, if they didn't exist, at all, people wouldn't have a false belief that "healthcare works fine in Russia", and would protest and maybe we could get it. All because of charity's inability to protest against existing power structures. I think it applies to alignment too, it's hard to do alignment when one gets funding from a corp that has a financial interest in "profit first safety second"
This doesn't seem like a bad meta-strategy, fwiw. Surely otherwise EA just gets largely ignored.

Less theoretical example: FWIW im not sold on 'more than anyone' but the top 2-3 current AI labs are all downstream of AI safety!

Though you need to consider the counterfactual where the talent currently at OAI, DM, and Anthropic all work at Google or Meta and have way less of a safety culture.

Great point! It does look like left tails are everywhere in the AI safety space.

Answer by sapphireFeb 22, 202316

Im mostly just depressed about AI progress being so rapid and the 'safety gameboard' being in such a bad state. Im angry at the people who contributed to this terrible situation (which includes a lot of longtermist orgs). 

My honest reaction was: This is finally being taken sort of seriously. If an EVF board member acted badly then the community can't just pretend the Time article is about people totally peripheral to the community. At least we got some kind of accountability beyond "the same team that has failed to take sufficient action in the past is looking into things." 

It honestly does feel like the dialogue is finally moving in a good direction. I already knew powerful people in EA acted very badly. So it's honestly a relief it seems like we might get real change.

A comment I made a few days ago said "But usually very little changes until someone goes public (at least anonymously). Nothing else remotely reliably creates the momentum to get bad actors out of power." Really aged quite well. 

As always I would advise survivors who want change to be as public as possible. Anonymous public statements work fine. Of course prioritize your own safety. But private internal processes are not a vehicle for change. Owen would, as predicted, still be on the board if not for the Time article.

I think thats the public image but isn't how things actually work internally. Id really recommend reading this comment by Buck about how "You've also made the (IMO broadly correct) point that a lot of EA organizations are led and influenced by a pretty tightly knit group of people who consider themselves allies". Notably the post is pretty explicit that any proposed changes should be geared toward getting this small group onboard. 

It is less public (at this point) but some of the core EAs have definitely been capricious in terms of who they want to re... (read more)

Okay so, if you'll bear with me a moment, your comment has actually convinced me that EA is in fact not hierarchical, but I do agree with your intended point.

Buck's comment, and the parent post by ConcernedEAs, point out that there's a small, tightly-knit group that's involved in many of the core EA organizations, who all know each other and collectively influence a lot of funding outcomes.

This is not the same thing as a hierarchy. There's no middle management, no corporate ladder you have to climb, and (as far as I've seen) no office politics you have to ... (read more)

The fact this is true, despite issues being reported to the community health team, is a serious indictment.

Honesty, never-mind radical openness, is usually impossible if one party is dependent on the other. This is honestly one reason I hate how intensely hierarchical the EA community is. Hierarchy destroys openness. 

Can you explain how the EA community is intensely hierarchical? From what I've seen, EA tends to have a relatively flat orginazational structure and very high tolerance for contradicting or questioning authority figures, but maybe others have had different experiences with this than I have.

I agree that private processors are often better for survivors (Though they can be worse). But usually very little changes until someone goes public (at least anonymously). Nothing else remotely reliably creates the momentum to get bad actors out of power. If the people in power weren't at least complicit we wouldn't have these endemic problems. Notably this has already played out multiple times with rationalist and Ea paces. Brent was extremely egregious but until public callouts nothing was seriously done about him. In fact community leaders like eliezer... (read more)

I'm not sure if that is inherent to private responses, though. One could imagine something set up vaguely like the "Facebook Supreme Court" (FSC) with longterm funding and independent/external control by neutrals. I'm not suggesting anything about the FSC model other than its externality and independence, but those features would allow us to have more confidence in the process because we would almost eliminate the concern that the processors have "main allegiance  . . . to the existing power structure." Data could get published, including on actions that were taken in response, and the data quality would probably be better for a wide variety of reasons.

Yeah, they can be. I went through a brutal "restorative justice" process myself (I'm trained in traditional law, and at the time, was personally insulted that a bunch of hacks thought they could replace centuries of legal work/thought), with someone EA-adjacent (though I just confirmed that my rapist has some ties to EA via Google; he's one of the 14 and not 30) - I said no for weeks, had multiple people push into a process, went along because I wanted to tell my side, was silenced, and the "mediator" texted me to encourage me to kill myself before I left the country. Obviously, I'm not advocating for that. 

And also, I had no idea to report this to CH. Nor, given how CH is handling this, would I report this today.

Working with official orgs to handle sexual abuse cases almost never goes well. For obvious reasons victims want to avoid backlash. And many victims understandably dont want to ruin the lives of people they still care about. I truly wish private processes and call-ins worked better. But the only thing that creates change is public pressure. I would always endorse being as public as you can without compromising victim privacy or pressuring them to be more open about what happened. It is just a very unfortunate situation.

I'm not super familiar with the practices of call-in culture though I'm aware of it. While I'm sure there are some communities that have practiced methods similar to call-in culture well for a long time, they've been uncommon and I understand that call-in culture has in general only been spreading across different movements for a few years now. I also expect this community would benefit from learning more about call-in culture but it'd be helpful if you can make some recommendations for effective altruists to check out.

I agree with your sentiment (and upvoted so your comment doesn't get hidden), but (1) victims don't always have a strong connection to their attacker and may not care strongly, and (2) in my six years of doing this, sometimes (not always) private processes work. Mostly importantly, private processes are easier on the survivors, who should take precedence in any process. 

Under my old screen name, I had  3 commenters say they changed their minds about rape, for example. I know my work certainly has changed people's opinions on rape, both at large a... (read more)

I basically agree but following this advice would require lowering one's own status (relative to the counterfactual). So its not surprising people dont follow the advice.

I'm extremely opposed to the culture of silence in EA/rat spaces. It is very extreme.

I will just push back on the idea, in a top-level post, that EAG admissions are not a judgment on people as EAs. CEA is very concerned about the most promising/influential EAs having useful conversations. If you are one of the people they consider especially promising or influential you will get invited. Otherwise, they might let you in if EAG seems especially useful for shaping your career. But they will also be worried that you are lowering the quality of the conversations. Here are some quotes from Eli, the lead on EA global at CEA.

EAG is primarily a ne

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You can ask buck for his list of the core EAs.

FWIW core EAs have openly said a major reason to keep EAG small is the 'quality of conversation' at the event. This is a big reason they made EAG smaller again. So there is definitely a level of judgment going on.

Manuel Allgaier
Which "core EAs"? Many engaged EAs have their own preferences and theories re. EAG size, but in the end, only the CEA events team decides on admissions (sometimes consulting others afaik).

It's very understandable you dont want to handle this yourself. But I would strongly encourage you not to tell survivors to trust CEA. 

I think it is pretty important that, by its own internal logic, longtermism has had negative impact. The AI safety community probably accelerated AI progress. Open AI is still pretty connected to the EA community and has been starting arm races (at least until recently the 80K jobs board listed jobs at Open aI). This is well known but true. Longtermism has also been connected to all sorts of scandals.

As far as I can tell neartermist EA has been reasonably successful. So its kind of concerning that institutional EA is dominated by longtermists. Would be nice to have institutions run by people who genuinely prioritize neartermism.


Fwiw my guess is that longtermism hasn’t had net negative impact by its own standards. I don’t think negative effects from AI speed up outweigh various positive impacts (e.g. promotion of alignment concerns, setting up alignment research, and non-AI stuff).

I think the problem here is that it makes a category mistake about how the move to longtermism happened. It wasn't because of any success or failure metric that moved things but the actual underlying arguments becoming convincing to people. For example,  Holden Karnofsky moving from founding Givewell to heading the longtermist side of OpenPhil and focusing on AI.

The people who made neartermist causes successful chose on their own accord to move to the longtermist. They aren't being coerced away. GHW donations are growing in absolute terms. The weird f... (read more)

EVF is an umbrella org that manages community events, community health, public comms like EA handbook and curriculum, press interface, etc largely through CEA. It handles these tasks for both longtermism and the rest of EA. This is suboptimal IMO. The solution here is not just a financial split.

I doubt she agrees with the accusations but I assume she knows they exist.

Would be extremely surprising if she didn't know about the sexual abuse allegations. They are very well known among her social circle. Despite this she has chosen to defend the fellow.

My interpretation of Anna was that if she thought there were credible allegations she would have included them in her long list of potentially undesirable actions?

The alleged perpetrator seems to be at least tolerated by some influential people. About Two years ago Anna Salomon wrote:

(1) X seems to me to precipitate psychotic episodes in his interlocutors surprisingly often, to come closer to advocating physical violence than I would like, and to have conversational patterns that often disorient his interlocutors and leave them believing different things while talking to X than they do a bit later.

(2) I don't have overall advice that people ought to avoid X, in spite of (1), because it now seems to me that he is try

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While I don't really disagree, I think it's worth pointing out that Anna here is talking about pretty different behaviors (precipitating psychotic episodes, approaching advocating physical violence, misleading reasoning, yelling) than we're talking about here (sexual abuse).

Probably important nitpick: The last bit of your first quoted paragraph misses a redaction.

Given what I've heard of this person, I'm really surprised and dismayed by the tolerance of this person by some, and wish they wouldn't do that.

This is what happens when you centralize power so much. I'm so sorry for what happened. So many people remaining silent and covering for abusers. 

(it shouldn't matter but for the record I have multiple partners)

While this is a simple comment, I am a little bit surprised by the down votes and strong disagreement signaled. Could people who strongly disagree with this comment point out their reasoning?

Without having thought too much about this, I do think that it seems plausible to consider the effects that centralized decision making has on enabling or at least not discouraging these types of behaviors.

Nothing serious can change until the whole 'all important decisions are made by about ten people who dont see any need to get community buy in' issue is solved.


I've honestly developed some pretty serious mental health issues. It's just miserable to worry about everyone dying or worse. 

Really brave of you to do this. It's important. 

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