
Infectious disease resident
138 karmaJoined Working (0-5 years)Sweden



Swedish MD, resident in infectious disease. Karolinska Institute graduate. Want to work with reducing the burden of and eliminating infectious diseases as well as preventing new ones.

Also have some relevant experience with the nuclear disarmament field.

How others can help me

Interested in sharing opportunities in biosecurity and global health, know anything in the Nordics - let me know!

How I can help others

  • Bouncing ideas about projects related to infectious diseases.
  • Connecting to others in the biosecurity field, especially in the Nordic countries.


Late to the party as many of these seem to have been restored (albeit very reluctantly given the grumpy note). But for some still offline, there's the Wayback Machine that have archived snapshots, e.g. https://web.archive.org/web/20250121010747/https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/causes/index.html

Keep up the good work!

Will the recording from the meeting be uploaded somewhere?

Great post! I also donated stem cells 2 months after you in April, 2021 in Sweden, I recognize many of the positive aspects you mention and it was a well worth experience overall.

Also wanted to share the World Marrow Donor Associations (WMDA) list/map of registries in other countries for those of us not in the US/UK.