

Bsc. genetics and informatics engineering student. I organise Altruime Efectiu UAB and help with AI Safety Barcelona. 

I'm looking for people in BCN interested in EA, if that's you, reach out to me!


Thanks for sharing!

I couldn't find the quote in the linked PDF. It's maybe at another link (?) 

In the graph of your active member count, do you know what the flat table tops are ?

Given that OP is not funding WAW and invertebrate welfare, I’ve selected Wild Animal Initiative and the Arthropoda Foundation as my top votes. SWP was also a high vote but slightly less because I'm more bullish on the VOI of Wild Animal initiative and Arthropoda foundation  

That said, I'm guilty of "not enough time to research the orgs". There’s a reasonably high chance (~75%) that I would change these top votes with more reading, probably by prioritising less well-known orgs.

I think Ben Kuhn now works at Anthropic and isn't the CTO of Wave.