All of KMF's Comments + Replies

Let's test that. I'd love it if the people who down-voted OP "agree" vote Jason's (Edited to add next sentence) or Chris' interpretations. Thanks! 

P.s. Can someone please explain why the original poster is getting down-voted? This seems a reasonable question.  

Chris Leong
I didn't vote, but maybe people are worried about the EA forum being filled up with a bunch of logistics questions?
I didn't vote, but maybe a sense that the poster should have tried asking the organizers privately first (and mentioned in the post if that hadn't worked?)
Answer by KMFApr 16, 20247

Hi without speaking for the organizers. My understanding is that the regulation requires that new buildings in the UK have separate, single-sex bathrooms. The Gov.UK website essentially says this is to avoid the "SOLE installation of gender-neutral facilities." My impression is that gender-neutral toilets with multiple cubicles will be banned in new builds but not (for example) a toilet and sink in a private room (like what you typically see provided for people with disabilities). It seems (from an 80/20 look at the regulation) that "new" is a key qualifie... (read more)

P.s. Can someone please explain why the original poster is getting down-voted? This seems a reasonable question.  

Pulling out a quick Magnify Mentoring update from the upcoming EA Newsletter. 

  1. We have launched a database of job seekers. If you are a recruiter at an organization working on evidence-based interventions to make the world better, please reach out to us
  2. We are planning to run a pilot project to evaluate the viability and usefulness of running additional mentorship rounds targeting individuals belonging to groups typically underrepresented in our focus areas. If the pilot is successful Magnify would continue to run two rounds per year for wom
... (read more)

FWIW: a focus that has helped me is working out whether I think it's worth continuing our program and whether it's been a success is what concrete actions resulted from the connections. Do you have a sense of any resulting actions?   

Hi Paula, (1) "I encourage the FEM team to engage in more rigorous research and to focus on capacity-building..."  FWIW, I think giving the organization (who are engaging with this thread) more time to respond on the point you raise about the PMA survey would be significantly preferable than making a conclusion in either direction at least based on my reading of this thread. (2)"...partnering with other organizations that have a great deal of experience working in this space over a long period of time..." Two separate points: a. to what extent do you ... (read more)

Paula Amato
Fair enough.  Was going mostly from what I've read in their post and on their website in addition to the RP report.  I don't disagree.  Although, some international organizations partnering with local public health departments in LMICs have a decent track record in this regard.

Sorry, Linch- Austin is totally right. I am just useless at the Forum :) 


FWIW: I want to offer a strong dissenting voice that I do not like how this has been handled in this comment section. Saying something isn't intended to be harsh and mean doesn't make it not harsh and mean. You can point out things that concern you without singling out individual people and I think the average person would have found this incredibly hurtful and off-putting. 

Apologies, I usually try to respond to claims on the object level or occasionally try to enforce epistemic norms, and don't usually bother enforcing politeness/niceness norms (in part because I think this is not my comparative advantage). I do frequently try to reach out privately if I notice people say hurtful things or people might be hurt due to the relevant situation. I agree that Anonymous EA Forum user's comment may come across as unnecessarily aggressive to many readers[1] and perhaps it was wrong for me to reply without noting that. I thought Elizabeth's comment was quite good in that context. 1. ^ If I were in Rachel's situation, these comments might easily have led me to be quite insecure.

Thank you so much. Magnify Mentoring would put to excellent use further donation support from the community. We have 200 mentee applications this time which I am currently reviewing and matching. On specific support, I am aware of Magnify Mentoring's work, Epoch and FRI's Mentorship program, and GPI's recent programming.  I am also working out whether we (Magnify) should do some Bay-specific event programming (think activities to further create a warm, welcoming space, focused on cheap information dissemination and career building activities) and I ex... (read more)

Answer by KMFApr 10, 20239

Hi Liv :) 
Look at the swap card user database well in advance, identify who you want to talk to, and book meetings early with them (particularly if they are recruiters or mid-senior career professionals). Take notes during the meeting so you know what you talked about. Get an email for follow-up actions if there are any. I don't remember meetings after so I rely on the other person to follow up unless it's me asking them for help. I also stake a table near a meeting point so I don't have to find people and do walking coffee meetings or form a fet... (read more)


Lilly: I am so pleased to read this- thank you for sharing your experiences with our network. 
I hope it is appropriate to mention here, on the note of EA funding, that Magnify Mentoring got close to the wire funding-wise this time. Thanks to incredible individuals from our network, we now have enough funding to open rounds for applications in May to coincide with EAG London. We are not yet​ ​at our total fundraising 2023 goals. We are so excited to be able to welcome our new cohort of mentees though! :) If I can do anything at all to help in the... (read more)

Ulrik Horn
Sorry to be late to the game: Would it be helpful if I collected donation opportunities for making EA safer and more welcoming for women, BIPOC and other marginalized groups? While a tough decision I have to contemplate more, I feel some obligation to donate to such causes myself and perhaps others feel the same.
Sara Recktenwald
I'm so glad a project like Magnify Mentoring exists and am really happy to hear that you got funding to run another round. Back in 2020 my mentor helped me navigate my applications to different EA orgs and it was soo helpful! I now have my first mentee and it's a very rewarding thing to give back to the community.  As always, thank you so much for your effort and engagement, Kathryn + others!

For me Magnify has been super important to balance my idea of what kind of people the EA movement consists of and to feel more at home in the community!

@MagnifyMentoring  and specifically @KMF were pivotal for my career direction, success, and emotional health. MM helped me build the confidence and systems I needed to move forward at a time I felt I couldn't, and Kathryn specifically went above and beyond to support me. This was the first time I felt I could be vulnerable and honest about my difficulties and limitations, and–contrary to all my expectations–I received acceptance, care, encouragement, and practical help. 

I know for a fact I wouldn't be where I am now without Kathryn and my direct ... (read more)

Magnify Mentoring is so great and I'm really glad they exist! I got a lot out of the conversations with my mentor. Hope they continue to get funding!!


"Valentine’s Day... Eh... who are we kidding?" 

Ooh, touche...  Like 5k to AMF that she didn't intentionally forward it knowing it was confidential and instead made an innocent mistake? Any more than that and I'm sleeping in the shed...  ;)

Apparently my wife has been making huge bets on the internet with money from a hidden 'fiat@' account.

5k to AMF

I would personally strongly prefer a bet where the money ends up either in my pocket or in a charity of my choice.

Initially I was asking against how much you would bet al your money, i.e., against $1, $10, $50, etc, i.e., how much I would have to bet on my side. But I think you answered the other side, i.e., how much you would bet on your side?

didn't intentionally forward it knowing it was confidential and instead made an innocent mistake

So I agree that in particular seems very likely (though I'd still bet, e.g. $1 against your $5k). I'm mo... (read more)


FWIW: I've known Julia for nearly 10 years. She is scrupulously honest and careful.  I would bet all the money I have  (literally not figuratively) that she just made an honest mistake. I also don't understand how this is relevant to the current complaint (FTX). This happened years ago and she's already publically commented on it and apologized. 

Edited to add: I am seeing a pattern where commentaries lately pull out individual mistakes from any time frame and of any type to support a broader image of EA as committing malfeasance. I think thi... (read more)

Douglas Knight
That she is honest is evidence that it was an honest mistake. That she is careful is evidence that it was not.
Being willing to bet the money you have is much less strong evidence than the odds you would bet at. I too would be willing to bet very large amounts of money ... if offered sufficiently high odds. The key issue is what odds you would make the bet at. Are you 95% confident? 99% confident? 99.99% confident?  (This is of course rather moot if you are not actually willing to bet.) edited to add: note that the Kelly betting formula does not apply in a simple way here because for most young people 'all the money they have' is a small fraction of the net present value of their future income.
Following up on my bet offer below, seems good to either figure out the odds, or to edit the "would bet all the money I have  (literally not figuratively)" claim. No rush on my end, though, I'll follow up in a few days.
So it's relevant to me because I only put two-and-two together about this after the FTX implosion. As I said in my initial post: My point isn't that this is related to FTX. My point is prior to the collapse I didn't know some things about the EA community. Now I know them and I think less of the community. My general point is it seems absolutely nuts to me that Duncan can have an unchanged opinion of the community unless he already knew a bunch of things I was unaware of.

Josh was asking about Will, not Julia. 

While I respect the inside view information you would have about Julia Wise's personality given your position, you should keep in mind that what you're saying is exactly what William MacAskill would have told us about Sam Bankman-Fried two months ago.

I found her apology unpersuasive and the events surrounding the publication of Guzey's post, including MacAskill's behavior, were quite strange. I wouldn't say I'm confident of anything but I wouldn't be surprised if leaking Guzey's private draft was planned on their part.

Against how much? Edited to add: PM'd the person to offer to figure out a bet.

Take a break: Do something entirely unconnected to EA that brings you joy. 


Hey :) I was raped before I was involved in EA. I normally find these discussions hard and frustrating. I feel we often talk past one another and that the people with similar experiences withdraw because it's still painful/ they get frustrated and hurt. I would like people like me to know: 1. There are a lot of people who have similar experiences to me who are active in the EA community. You may not see them here because of the aforementioned issue but we are here. 2. There are a lot of people who take these issues very seriously, including me, 3. I trust ... (read more)


Hi hi :) Are you involved in the  Magnify Mentoring community at all? I've been poorly for the last couple of weeks so I'm a bit behind but I founded and run MM. Personally, I'd also love to chat :) Feel free to reach out anytime.  Super Warmly, Kathryn 

Hi Kathryn,

I'm not yet involved in Magnify Mentoring but would love to be and would love to chat! I'll message you privately.

(saying this in a friend capacity and in shock that I haven't introduced you two already) - you two should definitely talk! 


They don't and I'm sorry. If you want to chat feel free to hit me up (  

In another comment in this thread you literally express an opinion on other people's consensual relationship choices!

Don't worry, I'm robust to bad comments on the EA Forum. :) Fortunately, this doesn't seem to be a norm anywhere close to being adopted. 


I don't agree. I am monogamous but some of the most loving and healthy families I have ever seen are poly. Most of my relationship goals are from poly families. 


Thanks so much, Richard! :) Correct link.  All of this is what I would have said 10 days ago. These are *MY* thoughts they are not Magnify’s thoughts- any controversies are mine alone.

(1) Not specific to the EA community but I wish people were kinder to one another and took more time to learn about each other's experiences, why they may have the feelings, and thoughts that they do, and where it is coming from. I think spaces that prioritize empathy and understanding are more conducive to working on fixing these problems together:

  1. There are small t
... (read more)

We can't take on everyone who applies so we are not the whole answer but I as an individual am always happy to chat with people from underrepresented groups Magnify Mentoring the organization continues to take on hundreds of people (currently women, non-binary and trans people of all genders) for mentoring per 6-months which we will continue doing as long as the average results continue to support such an initiative (which thus far they do). We welcome support and as an individual and possibly as an organization, I welcome the opportunity to support efforts and further productive attention in this space.  Thanks :)

Thanks for your work KMF! I'm curious if there are any specific patterns or common stories you've noticed from talking to people from underrepresented groups who are involved in EA? (Also, FYI, your Magnify Mentoring link is broken.)

Unsolicited feedback: I love both of the posts you have done recently. IMO they identify problems and solutions without under or over-stating them, are emphatic and measured, and conclude with actionable and proportionate advice. Thank you so much :) 


"We will be fulfilling our role as event organizers by mitigating risks to our participants, to the extent that we reasonably can (based on CFAR's past mistakes and also based on our own experience and judgment). And our participants will decide if they trust us enough to come to an immersive workshop with a bunch of other humans who they will interact with for 4.5 days."
I was recently asked for recommendations of people who might like to attend. I  would find it more useful to know what safeguards, if any, are now in place to avoid sim... (read more)

Hi there! I would love to connect :) I am the CEO of Magnify Mentoring -I am over at Thank you! 

Hi :)  I'd love to chat. My name is Kathryn and I am the CEO of Magnify Mentoring <>. You seem to have a strong CV and I'd be interested in learning more about your interests as I am quite frequently asked for candidate recommendations. I can be reached at Many thanks! 

Elle: I'd love to chat. My name is Kathryn and I am the CEO of Magnify Mentoring <>. You seem to have a strong CV and I'd be interested in learning more about your interests as I am quite frequently asked for candidate recommendations. I can be reached at Many thanks! 

Aww, thank you!! I am super pleased to hear that :) 

Yeah FWIW my key takeaways while reading this was something like "Wow what a ridiculously good person. If this is failure, I might need to rethink some things." :) 

I know right- I also get nervous about the Forum. If I were to doom circle with anyone... <3 <3 Thanks :)

Amy Labenz

I am super pleased to hear that. Seems like, despite the scary-sounding name, people have had positive experiences with this which is great! :)

Definitely not - this would be total nightmare fuel for me ;) Thanks! 

Amy Labenz
I didn't realize who I was talking to until after you sent me a DM (posting on the Forum used to be nightmare fuel for me but I am doing it more, in part because of some feedback from a Doom Circle). Anyway, I agree you probably wouldn't enjoy it. I think we could do a version together that would be safe for you, but no pressure at all! <3 I've added a disclaimer to the top of the post to make it clear that this isn't for everyone, I hope that helps!

Hey :) Just a data point that I downvoted this because: 
a. I would like to encourage environments in EA  which are mutually supportive and kind. I think that there is already significant social pressure to be okay with receiving feedback at any time and in any form.  
b. I think feedback is very important but generally, we want to prioritize results. How will the person getting the feedback best use it as a tool to learn and grow? What I have read seems to suggest that feedback is most effective in a pre-existing relationship of trust, and em... (read more)

I would like to encourage environments in EA  which are mutually supportive and kind.

For what it's worth, my experience of Doom Circles is that they felt explicitly supportive and kind. It felt like other people were willing to pay a social cost to give me honest feedback in a way that they would otherwise feel hesitant to do, and I appreciated them doing that for me.

The incentives are to provide harsh critique to appear novel and insightful of the other person. 

I wouldn't say that there's an incentive to be harsh, since while you are providing f... (read more)

Thanks for the feedback! I meant to post this as a description of a type of activity that won't be right for everyone. I needed a link to the description and couldn't find one online so wrote one. It sounds like this kind of activity might not be right for you, which is totally ok! :)

You are amazing! Warmest Congratulations! :) 

Update: New section added on the role of feedback in mentorship relationships. I additionally highlighted our recent Status Update: 

 WANBAM released their blog post “WANBAM: Successes and challenges from our first two years.” The post summarizes their activities, initial results, and their risk mitigation steps.


I really love this article, thank you for taking the time to put it together. Obviously, I am biased, but I think a potentially strong second conclusion is that we should continue to take seriously building a community that has strong norms around making sure we attract and retain the best possible people from a diversity of approaches and expertise. I worry much more about our failure mode being we inadvertently form an echo chamber and miss or overlook how to weigh the importance or likelihood of potential ways we might be wrong/ potentially doing harm than I worry about overt bad faith. 


Just popping up to say that I am continually amazed by your work :) I get the best mentees and mentors from you and I am blown away by your hardwork.  Thank you so much! 

Thank you so much Kathryn! I'm inspired by all the work you do for WANBAM/mentorship in EA (which I'd love to build on moving forward, it's one of my top priorities), and everything else you do! :) 

FINAL CHANCE TO APPLY FOR THIS ROUND. Applications for mentees will close on the 30th. We are delighted by the applications so far and will be in touch with everyone who applied on the closing date with the next steps. Thank you so much! 🙂

Absolutely :)  Sky Mayhew <> and <>. Sky is incredibly kind and has always given me brilliant feedback when I've had to do external-facing stuff before (which I find intensely nerve-wracking and have to do quite a lot of ). I can't speak more highly of their help. The people who have given me feedback on my sharing your video have mainly done so in the form of WOW face reactions on Slack FWIW- I'll let you know if I get anything else. My husband also loves this type of stuff and was psyched to watch your video too. :)

Thanks a lot! This is definitely going to be helpful :)

Hey- Don't be sad. It's really brave to do work like this and make it public - thank you :) I'd definitely recommend this to newcomers (Indeed, I just did! Edited to add: The animations are so cool here!).  You might consider sending future drafts through to CEA's press team- they have a large network of people and I have always found the quality of their feedback to be really high and helpful! Thanks again for this!    

Hey, thanks a lot for this comment. It did brighten my mood. I think I'll definitely want to send scripts to CEA's press team, especially if they are heavily EA related like this one. Do you know how can I contact them? (I'm not sure I know what's the CEA's press team. Do you mean that I should just send an e-mail to CEA via their website?)

To add to Barry's point, WANBAM has interfaced with over 500 people in the first two years of our operations, so a smaller pool than this survey (more here).  Our demographics (setting aside gender of course) are quite different from the EA Survey findings. 40% of our recent round of mentees (120 people in total this round) are people of color. There is also significant geographic diversity with this round of mentees coming from the US, UK, Australia, Germany, Philippines, France, Singapore,  Canada, Switzerland, Belgium, Norway, Netherlands, Spa... (read more)

Thanks for your comment Kathryn!

Your comment makes it sound like you think there's some mystery to resolve here or that the composition of people who engaged with WANBAM conflicts with the EA Survey data. But it's hard for me to see how that would be the case. Is there any reason to think that the composition of people who choose to interact with WANBAM (or who get mentored by WANBAM) would be representative of the broader EA community as a whole? 

WANBAM is prominently marketed as "a global network of women, trans people of any gender, and non-binary ... (read more)


Yes! We have a couple of pieces a bit like this, notably our career profiles and a blog I put together /update around once a round of resources recommended by our mentors/mentees and indeed the piece above. In our post-survey, I ask mentees what was a particularly useful piece of advice their mentor gave them, and plan to create a blog in that vein when it hits a critical mass (we have a large cohort this time so I think that might be next round). Thank you, John! :) 


I agree. Next in the production line as our capacity (hopefully) grows! I can give my intuitions based on the program on the question of:

"Local group leaders like me often have to weigh a tradeoff of whether one-off calls like 80K's or regular mentoring calls like WANBAM works better, so being able to view deeper impact data would be good!"

Commenting on the models: I would say it depends on what your program user is looking to achieve and your capacity. At WANBAM, we have experimented both with one-off calls (now combined with access to our Slack and all o... (read more)

Ah I didn't know WANBAM has experimented with one-off calls, and it makes sense that you would try that out. Thanks for the information!

Yes to both questions. We are still discussing exactly what this could look like. My guess is parallel streams, i.e. myself and a team would run a WANBAM round then at the mid-point of that round we might kick off the second pool of mentees. My early intuitions would be to advertise to a restricted pool to maintain the quality of current service to all users.  We might do something like WANBAM/"Longtermist Entrepreneurs"/WANBAM/"Effective Animal Advocates" and so on, depending on the demand. It is early stages and we would need more money and time but I feel excited about exploring this idea and cautiously optimistic thus why I worded it carefully in our update ;) Thanks as always, Brian!

Got it, thanks! Yeah I think quite a few men could benefit from mentorship, especially those in countries with small EA presence, or men that are people of color. Mentoring either subgroup of men would still fall in line with what I assume is one of WANBAM's goals, which is to improve the diversity of the EA community.


Strong upvote for fantastic introductory opportunities that are paid! :) 


Note that I just updated this :) I hope it's useful!

The movie isn't very accurate to the source material ( I still like it a ton though!!) but the book is amazing- it does a ton of accurate state modeling which is so good that I went to a panel with the author and everyone was commenting on how he got it so right!! :) 

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