
Community Builder / Advocacy @ International Suffering Abolitionism
166 karmaJoined Working (6-15 years)Munich, Germany



How I can help others

I can help with 
- community on-boarding to the suffering abolitionist community (= talk to/ socialize with anyone who is interested)  and 
- orientation/reflection on suffering abolitionist careers or project opportunities. 
I am also open to general (project) feedback exchange and any other kind of collaboration, really, if it matches somehow.


As preparation this time, I encourage people to develop a Suffering Abolitionists Project Prize proposal for e.g. XPRIZE (deadline 05 May 2024)

Questions to answer:      

  1. What is the problem you hope to address through this prize competition?
  2. What assumptions or misconceptions prevent innovation in this area?
  3. Describe the specific challenges (political, economic, social, technological, legal, environmental) currently slowing and/or preventing progress in this area?
  4. Describe what the winning team must do to win your proposed prize.
  5. Describe the competition format and provide any specific judging criteria. Eg Staged down select, a first to achieve, head to head race, best in class, with or without bonus prices...
  6. What is the duration of your prize competition?
  7. What size prize purse would motivate a team to compete?
  8. What will be the immediate and lasting impacts of running this prize competition?
  9. Propose a name for your prize concept.
  10. Provide a one sentence description that clearly communicates your prize concept.
  11. Upload an image that graphically communicates your prize concept.
  12. Do you know of a company, organization, and/or an individual who would be willing to fund your prize concept?


Note, the XPrize is limited to certain categories:      








The link for Gather town (our meet up hall) wasn't updated. I did so now. See as well:

Sorry, I was way, way off. Oh well. Please just check date converted to your time zone with that link: (It only works if your browser has access to your location.)

Hi everyone, again I want to cultivate the habit of using the commenting function (here in the EA Forum, in FB and in Discord) as a motivating accountability tool for sharing what one is working on/ planning to share at the event.

For me, I might talk a little bit about the "Wild Animals in Urban Spaces: How Cities Can Promote Wild Animal Welfare in the Built Environment" talk, and share about my increased engagement in EA Munich and the potentials. Looking forward to seeing you all in about 10,5 hours (if I counted correctly) 🙂

I'm sorry I messed up the time! We start in 35 min!

Hi everyone,

I will be sharing insights from the IARC2023, where I gave a workshop and attended a bunch of stuff. Looking forward to hearing from everyone again :)

I'm afraid I need to cancel today due to health reasons. Feel free to meet up without me.

Hi there, we will meet in about 8 hours online. Please check out the event description for further information. Looking forward to making some progress on projects and ideas :)

FB event:

📣 In 12 hours we have our next meetup: 15 October 2022 at 07:00 am **UTC**!

As always, in order for everyone to make the most of the event, please make a commitment to work on a topic of your choice relevant to suffering abolitionism. Our list of initiatives should serve as inspiration. But there is no need to make big commitments. Reading an article is fine too! Note: The more precise you are with what you choose to commit to, the more committed you will feel to actually do it. Even better if you share what you committed yourself to. E.g. as a comment here.

As inspiration for cause areas to work on, check out the following mind maps: 
Abolition of suffering: cause areas and interventions:
Finding your niche of engagement - from first steps to career forming:

Excited to talk to you soon! 😊

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