Welcome to the second open thread on the Effective Altruism Forum. This is our place to discuss relevant topics that have not appeared in recent posts. Thanks to an upgrade by Trike Apps, each time you visit the open thread, new comments will now be highlighted!
Could you explain the causal mechanism you have in mind? It seems that such a charity would increase overall demand for vegan food, because it is buying some, but reduce demand from everyone else, because some people who would otherwise have eaten vegan food will instead just take from this charity.
Also I think it would be good if you could outline some thoughts about possible disadvantages of such a charity.
The beneficiaries of this charity would eat more food than they otherwise would (assuming the charity targets really poor people), and more of it would be vegan, percentage-wise. Since using good, affordable and nutrition-complete food would be an explicit goal, donations would have the welcome side-effect of incentivizing such R&D, as well as scale economics.
I think this is a general argument for eating nutrition-fortified vegan products, but they tend to be high-cost organic life-style produc... (read more)