Does EA do any work to change our inadequate society into an adequate society? Is there any way to get involved with that? Any ongoing projects aiming at it? Any planning happening?
Note: If you’re not familiar with inadequate societies, see Inadequate Equilibria and Hero Licensing by Eliezer Yudkowsky.
My comment here lists a number of EA efforts that are aimed at general institutional reforms of various sorts:
Another notable recent project is Balsa Research:
But despite the above, I still think that EA should be thinking much bigger in this direction; civilizational adequacy (sometimes known as "improving institutional decisionmaking" in EA circles) should IMO be elevated to a top-tier cause area alongside global health, biosecurity, and animal welfare (but not displacing AI as #1).
See my team's winning entry in the Future of Life Institute's "AI worldbuilding competition" for a more detailed vision of how I think charter cities, prediction markets, and other big ideas for improving civilizational adequacy might help create a better world: