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What organizations are doing EA-aligned work that it doesn't seem the EA community is (sufficiently) aware of? 




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A LOT of global health orgs, both big and small. I'm global health there's a decent amount of focus on cost effectiveness as is. Many orgs Givewell funds (miraclefeet a great example) scale cost effective solutions, but aren't part of the EA community at all.

I would say though EA is aware of many of those global health orgs, although I'm sure there are some that aren't so much on the radar.

Probably many people know these and also I wouldn’t say any of them are extremely aligned but since there are no comments.

The various arpa orgs

Congressional budget office

Institute for progress

Market shaping accelerator

Ethical humanist society

Epistemic status: Off-hand, not carefully thought-through comment

There aren't a lot of hours of research going into "EA's climate recommended charities, to the extent this is a thing. So for climate stuff there are a lot of specific orgs but on a meta-level large donors should probably chat with 

Jonathan Foley at Project Drawdown (& heed Drawdown's work but not their rankings which are widely acknowledged to be a marketing gimmick) 

Climate Works

The Prime Coalition ($25 mm minimum as of 2020; investment fund but optimizing for impact iirc)

Breakthrough Energy Ventures (similar deal to Prime)

Probably also check out what the Gates Foundation is funding in this area.

And, be mindful that the space is changing so fast that recs from a year ago may no longer apply (which is a problem when so few people are looking into high-impact giving opportunities)


Personally, the Rainforest Trust seems good. 

I'm super curious why this was downvoted. If you're open to sharing your thoughts, I'd love to hear them here or dm me

Hi! I'm pretty new to EA. I can think of a few examples from my work experience that resonate with EA. 

I'm interested in systemic change where the response to a social issue produces more harm than good. Two sound examples are deinstitutionalization and drug policies.

Speaking from Latin America, the institutionalization of children and people with psycho-social disabilities is not only harmful to people's rights, but it's a drain of resources (it's an expensive response that doesn't solve any problems, but exacerbates them) and perpetuates harm in the long term (creating the need for further specialized support to revert the consequences). It's nonsense. 

I also think of organizations advocating for drug policy reform since the 'war on drugs' has cost billions and caused more deaths than drug use. 

These examples of systemic reforms, for their focus on doing good better and considering the long-term sound EA aligned to me.  

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