In March, Max G suggested someone write a back of the envelope calculation for eradicating all infectious diseases. I think it would cost about $14 trillion.
- Malaria: A 2018 study in The Lancet estimated that eradicating malaria by 2050 could cost $100 billion, with annual costs of $8.5 billion after eradication to prevent resurgence.
- Polio: the total cost since 1988 is in the tens of billions of dollars.
- Tuberculosis: A 2014 study estimated that ending the global tuberculosis epidemic by 2035 would require an additional $56 billion in funding.
Based on the above, ballparking an average cost of eradication of $10 billion per disease, the total cost for eradicating all 1,400 known human pathogens would be around $14 trillion.
It's estimated that a relatively small percentage of these pathogens, perhaps around 10% or about 140, are responsible for the majority of infectious diseases in humans. To eradicate those, the total cost would be $1.4 trillion.
I'm also confused as to why $10bn per disease is suggested, given the much higher costs of the listed examples.
However, it seems plausible that costs per disease will substantially decrease as we learn more about biology and how to successfully run eradication campaigns. For example, developing a new vaccine technology against one virus could make it much easier and cheaper to develop vaccines against related viruses.