This is the second round of a questionI asked last year about what posts you are planning on writing, so that people can share progress and get community feedback and support.
- If you answered the post last year and/or had posting plans, how did they go? If you didn't end up posting, what happened?
- What are some open questions or uncertainties you have about the planned post?
- If you have plans for multiple posts, which are you most excited about, and why?
Posting Resources
- Community feedback from the EA Editing and Review Facebook group
- Aaron Gertler is also available for editing EA Forum draft posts
I like that these generally seem quite clear and focused.
... (read more)In terms of decision relevance and benefit, I get the impression that several funders and meta EA orgs feel a crunch in not having great prioritization, and if better work emerges, they may change funding fairly quickly. I'm less optimistic about career change type work, mainly because it seems like it would take several more years to apply (it would take some time from convincing someone to having them start producing research).
I'm skeptical of how much research into investments will change in
I'd really like to see "If causes differ astronomically in EV, then personal fit in career choice is unimportant"
I'd be interested in basically all of the Giving Now vs Later but especially: