My intuition says that innovations like lab grown meat are more likely to spread all over the world, including to developing countries, far more quickly than policies which reduce CO2 emissions at costs that governments may take a long time to accept.
This article by Stijn Bruers called "Clean technology innovation as the most cost-effective climate action" states this:
I think Stijn is arguing that funding clean protein is similar in cost-effectiveness to top Founders Pledge charities that work on clean technology. The article doesn't talk about Giving Green's recommended charities, but GG's recommended charity Clean Air Task Force is also recommended by Founders Pledge.
My guess is that donating to clean meat charities like New Harvest or The Good Food Institute could be as good as donating to Clean Air Task Force or other recommended Founders Pledge charities. And it's likely better than the other GG-recommended charities like The Sunrise Movement, Tradewater, Climeworks, and BURN, since some of these recommendations have gotten criticism here.
No problem!