On October 28, 2023, an EA Forum user posting under the name "Ives Parr" made a very long post arguing, among other things, that IQ is mainly determined by genetics, that IQ varies between racial groups as the result of genetics (although they are careful to avoid the word "race" in the post, preferring to talk about "nations"), and that social or environmental interventions such as education make little difference to true intelligence, even if they change IQ scores.
Importantly, the sources the post cites connect it to white supremacist and Nazi ideology.
Mankind Quarterly
On March 28, 2024, the same user, "Ives Parr", posted a follow-up post that, among other things, defended their use of the pseudoscientific "journal" Mankind Quarterly as a source, after a commenter on the original post pointed out its "nasty associations". Just a few important facts about Mankind Quarterly, which only scratch the surface:
- It was founded in 1960 by a group of men who "all had relationships with the neo-Nazi and neo-fascist extreme rightwing in the US and Europe", according to historian Francesco Cassata. This included the Italian fascist and eugenicist Corrado Gini.
- One of the founding members of Mankind Quarterly's advisory board was the German geneticist and member of the Nazi Party Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer, who was a vocal supporter of Adolf Hitler, particularly for Hitler's views on "race hygiene", and who may have played some role in crimes against humanity at Auschwitz.
- From 1978 to 2015, Mankind Quarterly was run by Roger Pearson, who the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) describes as a "purveyor of extreme racist and anti-Semitic ideas" and "a fierce defender of 'Aryan' racial superiority". According to the SPLC, Pearson "has maintained ties to numerous Nazi and neo-Nazi groups and individuals", including German eugenicist and member of the Nazi Party Hans F. K. Günther.
When a commenter on the original post noted the disturbing provenance of Mankind Quarterly, the user posting as "Ives Parr" replied, defending the "journal":
The relationship between genes, IQ, race, and GDP is very controversial. Prestigious journals are hesitant to publish articles about these topics. Using the beliefs of the founding members in the 1930s to dismiss an article published in 2022 is an extremely weak heuristic.
Richard Lynn
Citing Mankind Quarterly does not appear to be a one-off fluke. In their original post on intelligence and race, "Ives Parr" frequently cited Richard Lynn, a self-described "scientific racist" who is quoted as saying in 1994:
What is called for here is not genocide, the killing off of the population of incompetent cultures. But we do need to think realistically in terms of the 'phasing out' of such peoples.... Evolutionary progress means the extinction of the less competent. To think otherwise is mere sentimentality.
Update #3 (Thursday, April 18, 2024 at 12:45 UTC): The SPLC has a profile of Richard Lynn with more information, including selected quotes such as this one:
I think the only solution lies in the breakup of the United States. Blacks and Hispanics are concentrated in the Southwest, the Southeast and the East, but the Northwest and the far Northeast, Maine, Vermont and upstate New York have a large predominance of whites. I believe these predominantly white states should declare independence and secede from the Union. They would then enforce strict border controls and provide minimum welfare, which would be limited to citizens. If this were done, white civilisation would survive within this handful of states.
The name "Lynn" appears a dozen times in the original post by "Ives Parr".
Emil O. W. Kirkegaard
A name that appears half a dozen times in that same post is "Kirkegaard", as in Emil O. W. Kirkegaard, a far-right figure who, notably, advocates for colonialism from an allegedly effective altruist perspective:
...an EA-utilitarianist case can easily be made for Western colonialism. With Westerners, the common people will experience better health (multiple examples above), economic growth (trade), justice (impartial courts), better governance, less war, less savagery (cannibalism, slavery). What's not to like? Surely, freedom can be given some value, but that valuation is not infinite, so we have to ask ourselves whether Africans, Samoans etc. were not better off as colonies.
He argues:
Another way to argue for this case is smart fraction theory. It turns out empirically that having relatively smart people in charge of the country is important, controlling for the average level of intelligence. The easiest way to create a large smart fraction for the people in the poorest part of the world is to install Western governments staffed mainly by Europeans and the local elites...
Kirkegaard also supports "ethno-nationalism", particularly in Europe. For example, he has stated, "In addition to low intelligence, Muslims seem to have other traits that make them poor citizens in Western countries."
"Ives Parr"
The person posting as "Ives Parr" does not appear to have merely cited these sources as an unlucky coincidence. Rather, the sources seem predictive of the sort of political views they are likely to endorse. For example, in a post on Substack titled "Closed Borders and Birth Restrictions", this person muses on the desirability of legally restricting births based on, among other things, "culture":
If you are worried that an immigrant may be more likely to vote Democrat/Left, commit a crime, retain their non-Western culture or be on welfare and believe that it is ethical to exclude them from migrating for these reasons, why is it not ethical to prevent someone from giving birth if their offspring are prone to all of these behaviors?
...I believe that if you are concerned about welfare, crime, IQ, culture and so on, then the optimal combination of border control and birth restrictions is not ~98% ~0% because you could be more optimal. Take IQ for example. You could prohibit the lowest 10% from having kids and have open borders for the top 10% of IQ scorers (90% 10%). If all you care about is IQ. But you could extend this to crime, voting, culture, etc. Set whatever criteria you want and permit immigration from the most XX% and prohibit birth for the least XX%.
Update (Thursday, April 18, 2024 at 07:45 UTC): The person posting as "Ives Parr" has also published an article under the same pseudonym in Aporia Magazine, a publication which appears to have many connections to white nationalism and white supremacy. In the article, titled "Hereditarian Hypotheses Aren't More Harmful", the person posting as "Ives Parr" writes:
Explanations for group disparities that allege mistreatment are actually more dangerous than genetic explanations.
Update #2 (Thursday, April 18, 2024 at 11:35 UTC): Aporia Magazine is one of the six Substacks that "Ives Parr" lists as "recommended" on their own Substack. Emil O. W. Kirkegaard's blog is another one of the six.
EA Forum users should be aware of these posts’ connections to white supremacist, Nazi, and fascist ideology and movements. Going forward, I urge vigilance against these kinds of posts making their way onto the forum, in case they should re-appear in the future under a different name or in a different guise.
I’m posting under a pseudonym because 1) I don't want my name to be associated with white supremacists or Nazis in the public record and because 2) I don’t want to make it easy for white supremacists or Nazis to come after me if I should happen to stir up the hornet’s nest. What I write should speak for itself and be judged on its own merits and accuracy.
I was not trying to implement a strange voluntary option. I was giving a hypothetical to make it apparent how egregious immigration restrictions are in terms of their harm. The argument was comparing how extreme the violation of birth restrictions is and comparing it to restrictions on immigration which could have extreme downsides. As I say in the article, I was against closed borders and restrictions on birth unless extreme circumstances (brother-sister marriage type situation). The reductio was supposed to push the reader toward supporting open borders. However, I think my willingness to make a socially undesirable comparison between two rights was used against me.
I wrote that article years ago and it's hardly relevant to whether or not my other article is true and moral. This sort of reasoning and argumentation style should be rejected outright. I think this person is just trying to throw mud on my reputation so people try to censor me. Quite unvirtuous in my view.
Also why is my original post bad?