Start here:
- The case for suffering-focused ethics (Lukas Gloor, 2016)
- Risks of astronomical future suffering (Brian Tomasik)
- Are happiness and suffering symmetric? (Brian Tomasik, 2015)
- Reducing long-term risks from malevolent actors (Althaus and Bauamann, 2020)
Further reading:
- The horror of suffering (Brian Tomasik)
- The world destruction argument (Simon Knutsson)
- How important is experiencing suffering for caring about suffering?
- Tranquilism (Lukas Gloor, 2017)
- Cause prioritization for downside-focused value systems (Lukas Gloor)
- Does Negative Utilitarianism Override Individual Preferences? (Brian Tomasik)
- Why I’m not a negative utilitarian (Toby Ord)
- Thoughts on Ord’s Why I’m not a negative utilitarian (Simon Knutsson)
- Are pleasure and pain equally energy-efficient? (Carl Shulman, 2012)
- Reply to Shulman’s Are pleasure and pain equally energy-efficient? (Simon Knutsson, 2017)
- Reducing risks of astronomical suffering: a neglected priority (David Althaus and Lukas Gloor, 2016)
- The importance of wild-animal suffering
- The importance of insect suffering
- The unproven and unprovable case for wild-animal suffering
- Is there more suffering than happiness in nature? A reply to Michael Plant
- Breeding happier animals (Carl Shulman)
- Academic bibliography on suffering-focused ethics
Another reading list here by Center for Reducing Suffering.