I want to get a sense for what kinds of things EAs — who don't spend most of their time thinking about AI stuff — find most confusing/uncertain/weird/suspect/etc. about it.
By "AI stuff", I mean anything to do with how AI relates to EA.
For example, this includes:
- What's the best argument for prioritising AI stuff?, and
- How, if at all, should I factor AI stuff into my career plans?
but doesn't include:
- How do neural networks work? (except inasmuch as it's relevant for your understanding of how AI relates to EA).
Example topics: AI alignment/safety, AI governance, AI as cause area, AI progress, the AI alignment/safety/governance communities, ...
I encourage you to have a low bar for writing an answer! Short, off-the-cuff thoughts very welcome.
Good question! The answer is no: 'solving' ethics/morality first is one thing that we probably eventually need to do, but we could first solve a narrower, simpler form of AI alignment, and use those aligned systems to help us solve ethics/morality and the other trickier problems (like the control problem for more general, capable systems). This is more or less what is discussed in ambitious vs narrow value learning. Narrow value learning is one narrower, simpler form of AI alignment. There are others, discussed here under the heading "Alternative solutions".