Tabletop exercises

Tabletop exercises are informal meetings in which members of an emergency team discuss, usually with the help of a facilitator, their individual roles and appropriate responses during an emergency situation.[1][2][3][4]

Police Department (2012) What is a tabletop exercise?, University of Wisconsins-Madison, May 9.

Intelligence Rising.  Official website.A strategic role-playing game meant to explore possible AI futures.

AI forecasting | biosecurity | forecasting | institutional decision-making | policy | red teaming

  1. ^ (2021) Exercises, Ready.Gov.

  2. ^

    Ackerman, Gary & Douglas Clifford (2021) Red teaming and crisis preparedness, in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

  3. ^

    Police Department (2012) What is a tabletop exercise?, University of Wisconsins-Madison, May 9.

  1. ^

    Johnson, Leighton (2020) Security Component Fundamentals for Assessment, 2nd ed., Amsterdam: Elsevier, p. 493.

Show all footnotes

Blough, Ryan Blough (2022) Wargaming AGI development, LessWrong, March 19.

Ryan Blough (2022) Wargaming AGI Developmentdevelopment, LessWrong, March 19.

External links

Intelligence Rising.  Official website.