EA relevance:
- The Life You Can Save recommends Fistula Foundation.
- GiveWell said about them most recently (in 2021), "We think that Fistula Foundation may be in the range of cost-effectiveness of our current top charities."
- Happier Lives Institute has "fistula repair surgery" on their upcoming research agenda to see if Fistula Foundation may be a top charity for them.
My thoughts:
I believe Fistula Foundation is underrated in the EA world for a number of reasons:
- They seek to permanently end a horrific condition for all women on earth, in our lifetimes.
(Whereas many other EA charities do not have such a bold and plausible plan to permanently end the problems they work on... eg, Malaria Consortium).
PS... should "permanence" even be added to the EA framework alongside tractability, scale, and neglectedness?
- They are bottom-up oriented... in that they build up already existing hospitals, surgeons, and outreach programs... in manners that are collaborative and long-lasting.
(Not that top-down dependency... eg, Malaria Consortium... is inherently bad... but it's always ideal to instead be collaboratively building up such that communities can take care of themselves).
- There is something to be appreciated about a cost-effective charity which specifically looks after issues common to women in low income countries, especially as there are few EA charities doing this... as of course, there are a number of horrific contexts in low-income countries that apply more often to women, or even exclusively to women (like the birth trauma that Fistula Foundation cures). This is a conversation worth having, and an action worth taking.
- As there are many ways in which the wider world cares about women (eg, the popularity of International Women's Day), but does not always have something obvious and effective to do about it... I believe Fistula Foundation can be utilized to get non-typical EAs donating to a highly effective charity. Fistula Foundation's work is clear-cut and pulls at the heart strings.
(Whereas many other EA charities have very low possibilities of reaching outside of the exclusive EA club... eg, Malaria Consortium... "We give chemo drugs to kids to prevent some of them from later contracting malaria." -- this is not an easy sell... for starters, most people don't even know the details of malaria... whereas most everyone knows that women's insides can sometimes get ripped apart in labor but that this can be cured.)
I feel like things are being looked at here in a bit of a bad faith manner. I apologize if I am wrong.
I imagine the Fistula Foundation team is indeed motivated to see this problem eliminated from the planet totally.
Perhaps they will transform more to the prevention side as they finish their mission of tackling the extremely low-hanging fruit of curing 88% of the 1 million women who have these 2 conditions of untreated obstetric fistula and untreated perineal tears. That is the obvious thing to do for now and will eliminate 88% of the issue of untreated birth trauma.
People in EA think that we will all be immortal and merge with machines. And many other crazy things. But perhaps we will never ever be able to stop all women from being permanently incontinent due to birth trauma. To me this seems more than plausible.
I merely speculated that as FF amplifies and supports the efforts of already amazing OB/GYNs around the low-income world, and continuing to build up their outreach programs that brings in women from all over the place in to be connected with OB/GYNs, that this could at some point spill over more into the prevention side of things. Maybe I'm wrong about that. That's why I said I wasn't sure of it. But it is not far-fetched.
Greatly increasing the number of women who are connected with OB/GYN doctors... knowing where they are located and what they can do, etc, you think is not building up obstetric health infrastructure? This is the phrasing that I'm personally using but the details here are correct. Many of these 100,000 women they have funded surgeries for didn't even know their condition was curable beforehand. [edit to include this link: https://fistulafoundation.org/what-we-do/how-we-work/]