I created a Weighted Factor Model of the best countries to live in in case of nuclear war.
I considered the following factors:
- Cost of Living (20%)
- Global Peace Index (20%)
- Energy Independence (15%)
- Latitude (all nuclear countries are in the North) (10%)
- Average rainfall (10%)
- Average temperature (nuclear winter reduces global temperature) (10%)
- Human Development Index (10%)
- Food Security (5%)
My plan is: if the situation worsens (measured with this and this Metaculus questions), go to the Canary Islands first (I'm European). Then, if it gets even worse, go to one of:
- Argentina
- Peru
- Uruguay
- Malaysia
- Australia
- New Zealand
I would love any feedback you might have :)
In a previous project we used the UN FAO food Pocketbook, although I think the way they compile data changed after 2012. We used the 'kcal production per capita' metric, from here: https://www.fao.org/publications/card/en/c/a9f447e8-6798-5e82-82b0-a78724bfff03/
You can see what we did in the following two papers:
There are FAO CSVs for more recent years available to download here: https://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#data/FBS
That's one suggestion.