Welcome to the second open thread on the Effective Altruism Forum. This is our place to discuss relevant topics that have not appeared in recent posts. Thanks to an upgrade by Trike Apps, each time you visit the open thread, new comments will now be highlighted!
Do you have any idea how we might go about fixing the situation? It seems to me like math/econ/tech people in their 20s (including me) don't know what it takes to make other demographics feel welcome. The best thing I can think of is encourage some people from other demographics to write about and actively discuss EA, and to spread the writings of people who already do.
That's a really good question, and as another 20-something in tech, I also definitely don't have all the answers. I have an in-progress draft of a post more generally on outreach, to be posted somewhere (not sure where), but I'll briefly list some of my thoughts directly related to making a wider variety of people feel welcome.
Expand our models of EA dedication beyond earning to give. This model doesn't fit most people well, but it's by far the most prominent idea of what living an EA life looks like.
People want to see people like them in communities