Dear EA Forum readers,
The EA charity, Legal Impact for Chickens (LIC), just filed our second lawsuit!
As many of you know, LIC is a litigation nonprofit dedicated to making factory-farm cruelty a liability. We focus on chickens because of the huge numbers in which they suffer and the extreme severity of that suffering.
Today, we sued one of the country’s largest poultry producers and a KFC supplier, Case Farms, for animal cruelty.
The complaint comes on the heels of a 2021 undercover investigation by Animal Outlook, revealing abuse at a Morganton, N.C. Case Farms hatchery that processes more than 200,000 chicks daily.
Our lawsuit attacks the notion that Big Ag is above the law. We are suing under North Carolina's 19A statute, which lets private parties enjoin animal cruelty.
Case Farms was documented knowingly operating faulty equipment, including a machine piston which repeatedly smashes chicks to death and a dangerous metal conveyor belt which traps and kills young birds. Case Farms was also documented crushing chicks’ necks between heavy plastic trays.
Case Farms supplies its chicken to KFC, Taco Bell, and Boar’s Head, among other customers.
Thank you so much to all the EA Forum readers who helped make this happen, by donating to, and volunteering for, Legal Impact for Chickens!
Thank you Alene! Happy to chat offline if it's ever helpful to you or LIC.