One question that I'm curious about with respect to EA strategy is the extent to which people are or are not willing to change not just specific organizations they might donate too, but overall cause areas that they consider important focuses. I'm especially interested in "average donors" and people who are not necessarily explicitly EA -- I think this question is quite meaningful with respect to what kinds of outreach most generate value in the world.
Is there any research into this topic people could point me to, either from within the EA community or elsewhere?
After some more thought, I've decided that I am going to create a separate post for this.
I was hesitant because (1) I wasn't sure whether something of this nature already existed, and I just hadn't seen it (there doesn't seem to be any work on the particular question of cause-switching) and (2) I wasn't sure how related the Rethink Priorities 2019 Cause-prioritization survey was to this idea, but it seems to me now that this line of work could be distinct enough to continue pursuing.
Given that the forum's reasoning and creative abilities can more easily be accessed by making a full post, I will go ahead and do so. The post will consist of a considerably expanded version of my previous comment.
edit: I added Aaron Gertler / Davis_Kingsley to a draft; I am looking to publish the post by tomorrow morning.