Hi everyone,
Recently we discovered Sinergia has been making false claims about helping millions of animals.
We believe this is an important issue because Sinergia receives millions of dollars in grants from EA organizations. Just recently, Open Philanthropy awarded them a $3.3 million grant.
We hope you find time to read our article.
To echo some of the other comments, I also think this kind of detailed, external "red teaming" of cost-effectiveness calculations is great in general, and I'd like to see more of it. As someone who has supported Sinergia in the past, I was concerned about some of the claims, and took a few hours to do some shallow research of my own. Tl;dr, my personal opinion of Sinergia hasn't changed much, pending their response.
To address the specific criticisms:
Sinergia's claim in Committed Companies 2023:
Subsequent calculations assume that this commitment went into effect in 2023, well in advance of Brazil's legal deadline of 2030. However, Pig Watch 2023 states that JBS intended for this commitment to take effect in 2027, and Pig Watch 2024 updates this to "no longer has a defined deadline".
Depending on the timing, this could tell a consistent story in which JBS committed to the 2023 deadline, then changed it to 2027/undefined after Sinergia published the Committed Companies 2023 sheet. However, I would have expected the 2024 edition of Pigs in Focus to reduce JBS's ear notching ranking, but they still receive the full three points (which may suggest that Sinergia is not closely monitoring all of their existing commitments).
Sinergia's claim in Committed Companies 2023:
From the (translated) link to JBS's 2020 policy:
I admit to not totally understanding the nuances here, but I read this as: Sinergia acknowledges that JBS already had a commitment to transition from individual to collective gestation (they refer to this as a "mixed system", I think because it still involves some use of gestation crates?) by 2025, and is not taking credit for this change. They do claim partial responsibility for JBS's commitment to adopt crate-free systems for all new units starting in 2023.
While this does sound like a distinct policy, I don't understand exactly how it relates to the "Para novos Projetos de Unidades de Produção de Leitões" (For new Piglet Production Unit Projects) section on JBS's current animal welfare page.
In Committed Companies 2023, Sinergia does include claims about teeth clipping from these four companies, usually as part of a broader list of "Multilations banned" (including surgical castration and ear notching).
Re: Alegra specifically, from Pig Watch 2022:
Alegra's rating in Pigs in Focus changed from one to three points between 2022 and 2023, so it seems at least plausible that Sinergia helped persuade them to end grinding. And indeed Pig Watch 2023 confirms:
Note: the company appears to have backtracked on this commitment in 2024, which (unlike #1 above) is reflected in the latest Pigs in Focus (though I'm not sure what happened with the 2022 column).
Sinergia says:
Sinergia's criteria for full points on its "Criterion 4: Banning surgical castration" Pigs in Focus metric:
In the 2022 version of Pigs in Focus, Sinergia says of Aurora:
And then in the 2023 edition:
So the way I read this, Aurora already had a policy recommending immunocastration prior to 2022, but still allowed surgical castration with anesthesia (but not analgesia) to be performed in some cases. I'm not clear what Sinergia claims changed in Aurora's 2023 commitment, but it plausibly could be either a complete ban on surgical castration, or the introduction of analgesia?
From Sinergia in Committed Companies 2023:
Note: assuming "JBS" here is just a copy-paste error, but it could be something more fundamental.
From Pigs in Focus 2023:
Like #2 above, Sinergia seems to be making a more limited claim that BRF is transitioning to crate-free (not just group housing or collective gestation) for new units starting in 2023. This at least seems consistent with BRF's 2019 commitments (prior to Sinergia's involvement), translated:
When do you plan to publish your response?