My understanding is that most AI safety work that plausibly reduces some s-risks may reduce extinction risks as well, and I'm thinking that some futures where we go extinct because of AI (especially with a single AI taking over) wouldn't involve astronomical suffering, if the AI has no (or sufficiently little) interest in consciousness or suffering, whether
- terminally,
- because consciousness or suffering is useful to some goal (e.g. it might simulate suffering incidentally or for the value of information), or
- because there are other agents who care about suffering it has to interact with or whose preferences it should follow (they could all be gone, ruling out s-risks from conflicts).
I am interested in how people are weighing (or defeating) these considerations against the s-risk reduction they expect from (particular) AI safety work.
EDIT: Summarizing:
- AI safety work (including s-risk-focused work) also reduces extinction risk.
- Reducing extinction risk increases some s-risks, especially non-AGI-caused s-risks, but also possibly AGI-caused s-risks.
So AI safety work may increase s-risks, depending on tradeoffs.