As the year is nearing its end, it would be good to crowd source achievements made by Effective Altruists this year, and collect them into a single thread.
What got done in 2022, to to make the world safer or better, for animals, people or future beings:
How many mosquito nets were distributed? What organisations got founded? What papers got published? What incubation grants where made? How have organisations scaled up? What laws got passed?
For the people downvoting/disagreeing with this comment:
Do you think these weren't achievements, per se? Why not?
Do you disagree that they should be listed as achievements, and as such are inappropriate for this list? If so, under what conditions if any should community-building efforts be counted as EA achievements?
Do you disagree with the characterization of them as "stately homes"? That's a fair terminological disagreement, and I would agree that's misleading terminology as they're not intended to be permanent living quarters (AFAIK). Given the possibility of other explanations, however, clarification would be appreciated rather than or at least in addition to the silent downvote.