As the year is nearing its end, it would be good to crowd source achievements made by Effective Altruists this year, and collect them into a single thread.
What got done in 2022, to to make the world safer or better, for animals, people or future beings:
How many mosquito nets were distributed? What organisations got founded? What papers got published? What incubation grants where made? How have organisations scaled up? What laws got passed?
From my perspective, I was looking to celebrate all the fantastic work being done to help the worlds most vulnerable beings. The billions of factory farmed animals. The millions of people living in extreme poverty. I wanted to celebrate all the people thinking compassionately about other people, and taking sacrifices, with their own income, or their life's work, to help others.
So, I would have a preferred an alternative universe where negativity was not posted here, in this specific thread. Feel free to discuss the issue on the many forum posts around that topic.