"Starting a company is like chewing glass. Eventually, you start to like the taste of your own blood."
Building a new organization is extremely hard. It's hard when you've done it before, even several times. It's even harder the first time.
Some new organizations are very similar to existing organizations. The founders of the new org can go look at all the previous closeby examples, learn from them, copy their playbook and avoid their mistakes. If your org is shaped like a Y-combinator company, you can spend dozens of hours absorbing high-quality, expert-crafted content which has been tested and tweaked and improved over hundreds of companies and more than a decade. You can do a 15 minute interview to go work next to a bunch of the best people who are also building your type of org, and learn by looking over their shoulder and troubleshooting together. You get to talk to a bunch of people who have actually succeeded building an org-like-yours.
How likely is org building success, in this premier reference class, rich with prior examples to learn from, with a tried and true playbook, a tight community of founder peers, the advice of many people who have tried to do your kind of thing and won?
An AI safety lab is not the same as a Y-combinator company.
Y-combinator crowd has a special category for orgs which are trying build something that requires > ~any minor research breakthrough: HARD tech.
Yet the vast majority of these Hard Tech companies are actually building on top of an academic field which basically has the science figured out. Ginkgo Bioworks did not need to figure out the principles of molecular biology, nor the tools and protocols of genetic engineering. They took the a decades old, well-developed paradigm, and worked within it to incrementally build something new.
How does this look for AI safety?
And how about timing. Y-combinator reference class companies take a long time to build. Growing headcount slowly, running lean: absolutely essential if you are stretching out your last funding round over 7 years to iterate your way from a 24 hour livestream tv show of one guy's life to a game streaming company.
Remind me again, what are your timelines?
I could keep going on this for a while. People? Fewer. Funding? Monolithic. Advice from the winners? HA.
Apply these updates to our starting reference class success rate of
Now count the AI safety labs.
Multiply by ~3.
That is the roughly the number of people who are not the subject of this post.
For all the rest of us, consider several criticisms and suggestions, which were not feasible to run by the subjects of this post before publication
0. Nobody knows what they are fucking doing when founding and running an AI safety lab and everyone who says they do is lying to you.
1. Nobody has ever seen an organization which has succeeded at this goal.
2. Nobody has ever met the founder of such an organization, nor noted down their qualifications.
3. If the quote at the top of this post doesn't evoke a visceral sense memory for you, consider whether you have an accurate mental picture of what it looks like and feels like to be succeeding at this kind of thing from the inside. Make sure you imagine having fully internalized that FAILURE IS YOUR FAULT and no one else's, and are defining success correctly. (I believe it should be "everyone doesn't die" rather than "be highly respected for your organization's contributions" or "avoid horribly embarrassing mistakes".)
4. If that last bit feels awful and stress inducing, I expect that is because it is. Even for and especially for the handfulls of people who are not the subjects of this post. So much so that I'm guessing that whatever it is that allows people to say "yes" to that responsibility is the ~only real qualification to adding a one to the number of AI safety labs we counted earlier.
5. You have permission. You do not need approval. You are allowed to do stupid things, have no relevant experience, be an embarrassing mess, and even ~*~fail to respond criticism~*~
6. Some of us know what it looks like to be chewing glass, and we have tasted our own blood. We know the difference between the continuous desperate dumpster fires and the real mistakes. We will be silently cheering you through the former and grieving with you on the latter. Sometimes we will write you a snarky post under a pseudonym when we really should be sleeping.
522 companies went through Y-combinator over the last year. Imagine that.
Thank you for reading this loveletter to the demeaning occupation of desperately trying. It's addressed to you, if you'd like.
FWIW, I most read the core message of this post as: "you should start an AI safety lab. What are you waiting for? ;)".
The post felt to me like debunking reasons people might feel they aren't qualified to start an AI safety lab.
I don't think this was the primary intention though. I feel like I came away with that impression because of the Twitter contexts in which I saw this post referenced.