Hi everyone,
I've been reading up on H5N1 this weekend, and I'm pretty concerned. Right now my estimate hunch is that there is a 5% non-zero chance that it will cost more than 10,000 people their lives.
To be clear, I think it is unlikely that H5N1 will become a pandemic anywhere close to the size of covid.
Nevertheless, I think our community should be actively following the news and start thinking about ways to be helpful if the probability increases. I am creating this thread as a place where people can discuss and share information about H5N1. We have a lot of pandemic experts in this community, do chime in!
- https://www.eurosurveillance.org/content/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2023.28.3.2300001 (paper showing H5N1 has spread to minks, which is my primary cause for concern)
- https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/03/opinion/bird-flu-h5n1-pandemic.html (widely shared, but I'm unsure how much to trust the claims)
- https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/avian-influenza-influenza-a-h5n1-risk-to-human-health/technical-risk-assessment-for-avian-influenza-human-health-influenza-a-h5n1-2344b
Group of H5N1 manifold markets: https://manifold.markets/group/h5n1-bird-flu
Plan for action
Fight status quo bias
In January 2020, many in the effective altruism and rationalist communities had correctly gauged the seriousness of the pandemic threat and were warning people publicly about it. Despite being convinced it was likely to become a pandemic I almost entirely failed to act beyond a few symbolic gestures such as stocking up on food/masks and warning relatives.
I consider this to have been the biggest personal failing of my life. I could have started initiatives to organize and prepare, I could have invested in mRNA producers, I could have researched how it would affect third-world hospitals. Yet all I did was sit idly by and doom scroll the internet for news about covid.
My goal with this thread is to avoid making that mistake ever again, even if it means most likely looking really stupid in a few months time.
How can we lower the chance of a serious pandemic?
I encourage everyone to think about actionable steps and be ambitious in their thinking. As far as I understand mink-to-human transmission is currently the primary reason to be concerned. What ways are there to minimize the chance of this occuring?
The following companies currently own vaccines for H5N1:
Sanofi SA | Aflunov |
GSK plc | Q-Pan H5N1 influenza vaccine |
CSL Limited | Audenz (and 1-3 more I think?) |
Roche Holding AG Genussscheine | oseltamivir (aka Tamiflu, not a vaccine), this one seems less useful than the others |
Could we pay them to start scaling up production tomorrow? One thing to note is that all these vaccines are egg-based. Are mRNA vaccines possible to create for this? If so, what can we do to speed up the process of making them?
Any other ideas?
Thanks for the pushback, Nick.
No, I can't think of any examples that meet your criteria. As a layperson I wouldn't know about them if they existed, anyway.
I could quibble with your implicit method for computing a prior, however. You mention 4 zoonotic pandemics that were not predicted in advance. I'd argue the correct denominator here is pandemics which were predicted in advance. How many times in history have we had an argument this strong for a pandemic which was ultimately a nothingburger? That should be our reference class.
The joke goes that "economists have predicted 9 of the last 5 recessions". Have epidemiologists predicted 9 of the last 0 pandemics? Furthermore, how does the emergence of modern sequencing technology factor in?
Note that I am not an epidemiologist! So that outside view might not be worth much. I'm a computer scientist, and I'm thinking about this very computationally and probabilistically. See my terminology: "biocomputation", "parallel search for mutations", dice rolls, and perhaps an implicit reference to hill-climbing (H5N1 got knocked off its previous local maximum and now it's searching for a new one). I suspect many epidemiologists do not currently grok this computational/probabilistic argument, which is part of why I wrote my comment. But I know there are big parts of the epidemiological picture that I'm missing.
Anyway, here's another reference class that might be interesting: Endemic viruses in domesticated mammals. Are there cases where they persisted for many years without becoming endemic in humans? Perhaps canine parvovirus? It's unclear how to apply this outside view to a virus like H5N1 which (a) has managed to infect so many species, (b) is known to infect humans sometimes, and (c) is currently evolving to better infect mammals (may have lots of low-hanging fruit to capture).
If one wanted to make a serious effort to forecast this, one can imagine a Monte Carlo model which accounts for the H5N1 mutation rate, average case load in US cattle, total virions per infection, fitness advantages and disadvantages associated with various mutations, human contacts, etc. My basic intuition is that many plausible parameterizations for this model will produce a human pandemic some time within the next few years. Maybe there's some way of doing a quick and dirty monte carlo using Guesstimate.