Note: as a result of the discussions I’ve had here in the comment section and elsewhere, my views have changed since I made this post. I no longer think permanently stalling technological progress is a realistic option, and am questioning whether a long-term AI development pause is even feasible. -(-H.F., Jan 15., 2024)
By this, I mean a world in which:
- Humans remain the dominant intelligent, technological species on Earth's landmasses for a long period of time (> ~10,000 years).
- AGI is never developed, or it gets banned / limited in the interests of human safety. AI never has much social or economic impact.
- Narrow AI never advances much beyond where it is today, or it becomes banned / limited in the interests of human safety.
- Mind uploading is impossible or never pursued.
- Life extension (beyond modest gains due to modern medicine) isn't possible, or is never pursued.
- Any form of transhumanist initiatives are impossible or never pursued.
- No contact is made with alien species or extraterrestrial AIs, no greater-than-human intelligences are discovered anywhere in the universe.
- Every human grows, peaks, ages, and passes away within ~100 years of their birth, and this continues for the remainder of the human species' lifetime.
Most other EAs I've talked to have indicated that this sort of future is suboptimal, undesirable, or best avoided, and this seems to be a widespread position among AI researchers as well (1). Even MIRI founder Eliezer Yudkowsky, perhaps the most well-known AI abolitionist outside of EA circles, wouldn't go as far as to say that AGI should never be developed, and that transhumanist projects should never be pursued (2). And he isn't alone -- there are many, many researchers both within and outside of the EA community with similar views on P(extinction) and P(societal collapse), and they still wouldn't accept the idea that the human condition should never be altered via technological means.
My question is why can't we just accept the human condition as it existed before smarter-than-human AI (and fundamental alterations to our nature) were considered to be more than pure fantasy? After all, the best way to stop a hostile, unaligned AI is to never invent it in the first place. The best way to avoid the destruction of future value by smarter-than-human artificial intelligence is to avoid obsession with present utility and convenience.
So why aren't more EA-aligned organizations and initiatives (other than MIRI) presenting global, strictly enforced bans on advanced AI training as a solution to AI-generated x-risk? Why isn't there more discussion of acceptance (of the traditional human condition) as an antidote to the risks of AGI, rather than relying solely on alignment research and safety practices to provide a safe path forward for AI (I'm not convinced such a path exists)?
Let's leave out the considerations of whether AI development can be practically stopped at this stage, and just focus more on the philosophical issues here.
- Katya_Grace (EA Forum Poster) (2024, January 5). Survey of 2,778 AI authors: six parts in pictures.
- Yudkowsky, E. S. (2023, March 29). The only way to deal with the threat from AI? Shut it down. Time.
I was surprised to see the comments on this post, which mostly provide arguments in favor of pursuing technological progress, even if this might lead to a higher risk of catastrophes.
I would like to chip in the following:
Preferences regarding the human condition are largely irrelevant for technological progress in the areas that you mention. Technological progress is driven by a large number of individuals that seek prestige and money. There is simply consumer demand for AI and technologies which may alter the human condition. Thus, technological progress happens, irrespective of whether this is considered good or bad.
Further reading:
The philosophical debate you are referring to is sometimes discussed as the scenario "1972", e.g. in Max Tegmarks "Life 3.0". He also provides reasons to believe that this scenario is not satisfying, given better alternatives.
Thanks for your response! I did mean to limit my post by saying that I wasn't intending to discuss the practical feasibility of permanently stopping AI progress in the actual world, only the moral desirability of doing so. With that said, I don't think postmodern Western capitalism is the final word on what is possible in either the economic or moral realms. More imagination is needed, I think.
Thanks for the further reading suggestion -- adding it to my list.