I'm starting an EA aligned non-profit called High Impact Athletes that is aiming to funnel donations from current and retired pro athletes and their fans towards the most effective orgs in the world.
It's still early stage but I wondered if there were any pro or ex athletes hiding in the EA Forum who might be interested in supporting the idea? I believe pro sport is a relatively untapped space for EA and potentially has huge pulling power if the athletes get their fans on board.
Many thanks,
Marcus Daniell
Hi Marcus, I think this sounds like a great idea.
There are a number of communities that have been created across the EA space which bring together people with a professional affiliation (I see Aaron has mentioned REG, which is likely the most similar to your concept). I don't believe this has been done with pro athletes before.
I founded and run a group called SoGive which raises funds and does analysis on charities.
I would be happy to connect with you and support you if that would help; I'll send you a direct message on the EA Forum.
Thanks Sanjay, I'll pm you!