I found Will’s and Buck’s AMAs really interesting. I’m hoping others follow suit, so I thought I’d do one too.
What I work on:
I’m head of advising (what we used to call ‘coaching’) for 80,000 Hours. That means I chat to people who are in the process of making impact-focused career decisions and help them with those decisions. I also hire people to the team, and manage them - currently we have one other adviser, and we have another joining us next year. Alongside my usual calls, I answer career related questions in other formats, for example on the 80,000 Hours podcast (the episode will come out next year).
My background:
I joined 80,000 Hours from the Global Priorities Institute, which I set up with Hilary Greaves. Before that I ran Giving What We Can and did the operational set up of the Centre for Effective Altruism. I have a philosophy PhD on prioritising in global health. I wrote about how I initially got involved with effective altruism here.
I’ll be answering in a personal capacity so I won’t comment much on 80,000 Hours overall strategy except as it relates to the advising team. I’m very happy to answer questions related to career decisions, and to work I’ve done in the past.
Right now I’m on maternity leave with my first baby, so how fast I respond will depend on how he behaves himself.
I'm assuming that you are somewhat risk averse in the 80K career advice, in that you avoid suggesting speculative cause areas and speculative career paths and other speculative suggestions.
Is that the case? If so, what are some examples of career advice that you intuitively guess that you probably should give? (perhaps, advice that someone else should give)
I'm not exactly sure of the extent to which I'm risk averse. I don't tend to have super strong views about the kinds of advice I'm giving people, which means that usually I feel able to give my actual view along with how uncertain I am about it. That has the advantage that I can usually be totally open and candid, though the disadvantage that it's obviously a bit less useful to get an answer along the lines of 'here's a reason to think A is higher impact, here's a reason B is higher impact, on balance I might go for ... (read more)